Michael Benson Ajayi
January 21, 2020
By Rev. Michael Benson
Matt 25:21 NIV "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share in your master’s happiness!” The kingdom of God has a reward system for faithful stewardship. The Lord Jesus’ statement ‘share in your master’s happiness’ underscores the fact that happiness is a reward for faithful stewardship.
The bible is replete with instances where the Lord Jesus made appraisals of people's actions , giving credit to whom it was due with the intention of bringing out the best out of them. In Mathew 15:22-28 the Canaanite woman was honoured for her understanding of the principle of grace through a manner that many would have found offensive. In it, He likened her to a pet animal - dog, a metaphor for a friend and those who were not part of the Abrahamic covenant . Her acknowledgment of His divinity and boundless grace to humanity led to the fulfillment of her heart’s desire. Matt 15:28 NIV says “..Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.” In another instance, the Lord Jesus praised an unjust steward's attempt to make amends while on the verge of losing his job ( Luke 16:8a) demonstrating how through appreciation we can add value to relationships.
Couples who consciously, habitually and sincerely appreciate each other tend to have stronger relationships and enjoy being together . We receive positive appraisals when we invest our talents and resources in others for the purpose of the furtherance of the gospel of God's love (luke12:37). The early church flourished through the symbiotic relationship that existed between them and God's messengers. There would always be need for righteous counsel whenever we are faced with complicated problems. It is for this reason that God promised to give us teachers whose work should be appreciated ,Gal 6:6 AMP says“ Let him who receives instruction in the Word [of God] share all good things with his teacher [contributing to his support].” its not only in the church that this should be done but also in the work place. Seek for avenues to show appreciation to those who have contributed to your progress.
Apostle Paul commended the Philippians for their support saying they were partakers of the grace upon him by virtue of their contributions to the work of ministry. This brought about faith for extraordinary breakthroughs among church members. There is mutual edification when we assist each other Phil 1:7 AMP … “because you have me in your heart and I hold you in my heart as partakers and sharers, one and all with me, of grace (God's unmerited favor and spiritual blessing)....”
God wants us to show appreciation to others, this is important in building human capacity. Staff perform better when they receive commendations from their bosses; the same also applies in marriages and relationships with children. Children who are raised under such environment grow up to become encouragers , great citizens and spouses. We shouldn’t only point out faults without giving commendations when necessary (Prov 31:30). Everybody has some good virtue in them and when they are recognized and appreciated, it leads to a radical life transformation and sets the stage for social reorientation. We should never seize to give God thanks for His goodness and mercy towards us (Psalm 103:2) this is a faith booster that results in extraordinary breakthroughs.
Prayer : Heavenly Father forgive me of my sins against you I believe Jesus Christ died and was raised again for my salvation I receive him as lord and saviour and receive grace for the strengthening of my family bond and relationships in Jesus name.
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