Good Leadership Demands Reflection

Good Leadership Demands Reflection

We just celebrated Memorial Day. I spent time remembering those folks that I personally knew and some who were very close caused me to pause and spend a little extra time recalling their impact on my life. However, the question was posed to me, "How do you honor those folks?" I have gone to the National Cemeteries and laid wreaths on the graves. I’ve stood in my Dress Uniform at the grave of Soldiers being buried. But, I think I have an even better way to honor these fallen warriors, and quite honestly a great way to honor anyone who has died.

Not everyone is called on to make the type of sacrifice a Soldier does when he or she engages the enemies of our nation and is killed in action. However, most folks sacrifice during their lives for those they love and even those they work for. There is a Bible verse that speaks about doing good and sharing with others and concludes these are the types of sacrifices that pleases God. (Hebrews 13:16)

Good leaders know that it is important to reflect on past accomplishments of an organization and individuals, as well as those areas where there is room for improvement. Such reflection, when done properly, will lead to better organizational and individual effort and performance. 

I had two friends in particular that I reflected on during the Memorial Day weekend. Some of the good they demonstrated was seen in their kindness, compassion, courage and grace. I determined that the way I could honor them and the way you can honor someone who has died in your life, is to strive to emulate the values and characteristics that made them so special.

My two friend’s names were Chris and Dale. I pray that I can exhibit the same level of kindness, compassion, courage and grace that they did in their lives. Today, stop and think about someone in your life you’d like to honor. Recall what made them so special in your life, then decide that you will strive to be more like them in those areas. I can’t think of a better way to honor someone. “Lest We Forget!”


Mike Tarvin, Author, BCC, M.ED. M.Div, M.SS的更多文章
