Good Lawyer, Bad Lawyer
Dear reader,
?Allow me to regale you with the following tale.
An attorney was working late one night in his office when, suddenly, Satan appeared before him.
The Devil made him an offer:
“I will make it so you win every case that you try for the rest of your life. Your clients will worship you, your colleagues will be in awe of you, and you will make enormous amounts of money. But, in return, you must give me your soul, your wife’s soul, the souls of your children, your parents, grandparents, and those of all your friends.”
The lawyer thought about it for a moment, then asked, “But what’s the catch?”
Ah, yes, there's nothing quite like indulging in a good lawyer joke to relish in a hint of self-righteousness, eh?
Hey, speaking of lawyers, inside the July issue, 2023, there's a little-known story about Ice-T (the American Rapper and Actor) and his lawyer.
This defense lawyer did something that no teacher, parent, or authority figure in Ice-T's life at the time could do.
And what was he able to do that nobody else could do, you ask?
Get Ice-T to Forsake His Life of Crime and Become a Law-Abiding Citizen!
This defense lawyer changed the trajectory of Ice-T's entire life with one simple conversation.?
No mean feat, especially considering at the time Ice-T was making gobs of money in his criminal activities and pretty much getting away with it.
And, believe it or not, he did it without coercion, manipulation, motivation, persuasion techniques or tricks.
Nope. This defense lawyer did something far more powerful and effective.
This is something that can get even the most bull-headed of people to change their minds and ultimately their behavior. In my opinion, when it comes to changing someone's mind, there's nothing under the sun more powerful, more compelling, or more persuasive than what this lawyer did that day.
If you have that issue, I would suggest you reread the whole thing.
But that's old news.
Let's talk about the upcoming February issue.
Inside this upcoming issue, I reveal another gem of a persuasion secret. It's perhaps not as powerful as the one inside the 2023 July issue, but trust me - it's got teeth!
What else is inside the Feb issue?
Well, I've got some of the best dating advice (for men) you will ever come across, and one of the best content creation secrets I've ever revealed. I've been using this secret engagment method since Kermit was a tadpole.
Why has it taken me so long to teach this?
I'll tell you why.?
Because I only recently became consciously aware of it. I’ve been using this technique on autopilot for years without realizing it, but now that I'm cognizant of what it is and how it works...
...I Can Teach it!
If you're a writer, speaker, podacaster, YouTuber, copywriter.... don't be a fool and ignore this issue.
By the way, this attention-grabbing secret also works perfectly when used inside a sales pitch.
Listen, I was genuinely excited to teach this, and that's saying something. Most times when writing these monthly issues, I'm about as excitable as Andy Murray at a press conference.
Who knows, it could've just been the double shot espresso talkin'.
If you're interested in these monthly issues, you can investigate here:
Your friend,