Is it a good idea to share a pen? Choose a BactiBlock? protected one!
BactiBlock by Laboratorios Argenol
Silver-based antimicrobial additives manufacturer
There?is one germy item that is often shared by dozens of people a day and is rarely cleaned: pens.?About half of pens are contaminated with bacteria and viruses, yet you probably pick them up at the doctor's office, the bank or your child's school without a second thought. We're so used to do it that we don't even realize that pens are a potential vehicle for cross-infection in our everyday life. And, of course, the risk becomes higher in healthcare environments where different studies have been carried out confirming the presence of high levels of bacteria on them and the subsequent transmission.?
With the aim of providing a reliable solution to this situation, Laboratorios?Argenol, together with the experienced company STYB have?developed an antimicrobial pen protected with BactiBlock? totally produced in Spain. These pens are able to reduce bacteria by 99,99% according to the standard ISO 22196.?
How does BactiBlock? ?technology work in antimicrobial pens?
BactiBlock??is integrated into de plastic components of the pen at the stage of manufacturing.? Addition level is low and manipulation easy since the additive is available in customized pellets form so that it can be compatible with different kinds of materials.?Once BactiBLock? is added into the material, the technology works by avoiding the growth of contaminating bacteria.?
Main benefits of STYB & BactiBlock? antimicrobial pens:
The truth is that even if shared pens carry thousands of germs they are rarely cleaned, therefore,?why not thinking about implementing BactiBlock? technology?