Is it a good idea to delete free-will?
My question is, what prevents us from living in a utopian society? I think it is because of man kinds ability to engage in criminal activity. Yet, as biological creatures I'm not sure if crime is something a human being can actually do. What I am saying is that society in todays world has an established order and so in appreciating the police and judges for helping to protect us, my question then becomes why does man kind want to commit crime? If we have a system of laws in place what is the reason people commit crimes? I reason that it is because we are competing over scarce resources. Due to poverty but then again why can't people focus on something other than their ideas about crime? If nobody committed a crime what types of things would we be thinking about? I'm not sure I like it here in the third dimension because I wish to be able to move my body through time and space and really not have to reproduce. If nobody had sexual urges and nobody had the ability to commit a crime; would our liberty be infringed on? For instance, if we made a virus which made us completely subordinate to the set of societal laws and we were unable to commit a crime... does it not follow that our minds continue to be free regarding any other type of psychological event that can be conceived of? If a chip is placed in our ear so that we are no longer able to commit a crime, are we still not free to do anything else?
My question is simple. Would it not be easier to take away all humans ability to commit a crime thus we would have established a utopia. Moreover, if we left all human ability to operate their minds on their own volition except simply taking away the ability for them to think or act on a criminal impulse; would not those human freedoms be best taken away? (3) If we take away all human freedom because that is the only way to ensure that no crime is committed, would we really be slaves? Technically I feel that if we take away all human freedom to prevent their ability to commit a crime, would that not be utopia? If we are safe and cannot hurt anyone in the world, would it not be logical to use the virus to take away all human freedom forever?