GOOD HABITS SERIES - 4                Early To Bed & Early To Rise

GOOD HABITS SERIES - 4 Early To Bed & Early To Rise

Let me remind the readers when in our Kindergarten pre-school we learnt one nursery rhyme

???????????????????????????????????????????????Early to Bed, and Early to Rise

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Makes a man

???????????????????????????????????????????????????Healthy Wealthy and Wise

Do we implement this and make this as our Good Habit? Let’s Start with?


The best and Sunnah ways to implement for Sleep?

If you are always tired, if you struggle to wake up for Fajr, if you are always tensed with anxiety, shoulder and back pain and other muscular aches, ITS RECOMMENDED TO FOLLOW THE SUNNAH and make it our routine which will really change your life. Further it will really help to relax, be less tensed, have a sound sleep and will help and ease you to wake up for Fajr on time consistently.?

It takes time before you fall asleep so watch some random little reminder video/s about Allah's mercy or Jannah there are loads on YouTube, I choose the really emotional ones that hit them chords and touch your heart.

?I then put my gadgets away and sincerely forgive everyone who has hurt me and cleanse my mind and heart of grudges and resentment. You really have to dig deep here.?

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:_

The Messenger of Allah (?) said:_ 'When any one of you goes to sleep, the Shaitan ties three knots on his head, saying each time: "(Sleep) a long night." If he wakes up and remembers Allah (SWT), one knot is undone. If he performs wudu', another knot is undone. If he prays, all the knots are undone and he starts his day in a good mood and feeling energetic. Otherwise he starts his day in a bad mood and feeling lethargic.'"*_ Sunan an-Nasa'i 1607_

It is not a surprise that Shaitan is trying to prevent us from the worship of Allah and prevent us from a productive morning.?*Shaitan ties the knots on the back of the head in particular because it is the centre of powers and their domain of control.*

·??????First and Foremost, offer Isha on time.

·??????Recite Surah Mulk,

·??????Recite Last 2 Verses of Surah Al Baqarah

·???????Do some Dhikr and Duas, night Duas need to be solid,

·???????Offer Witr.

·???????Make wudu before sleep.

·???????Recite AyatulKursi

·???????Recite 4 Quls, blow it over myself.

·???????Recite Bismillahil ladhi la yadurru x 3 times

·???????Recite 33x33x33 +1 (SubhanAllah x Alhumdulillah x Allahu Akbar + Kalima)

·???????Make sincere niyyah to wake up for Tahajjud

·???????Turn towards your right side and keep repeating Dua for sleep or just do?astaghfar

·???????And then wake up for tahajjud if you can or hit the snooze button and wake up for Fajr on time.

I know this looks like a long routine but it isn't. Do it for a month and it will become second nature. Doing this will really help you immensely. You will feel mentally at peace, physically will get a sound sleep and spiritually will be benefited immensely by following the Sunnah as possible and even when you don't wake up for tahajjud inshallah will be rewarded for your niyyah.


It's a very common thing to say that you are not a morning person. Sorry, I can’t get up early…… But, if you give some consideration to what this actually means, it can imply that you are more content to get up at the last minute, and rush around, trying desperately not to be late. This doesn't sound very relaxing, does it? Perhaps it's time for a change. Remember,?“Allah does not change the conditions of the people unless they change themselves”

“CHANGE is the Only thing that will Never CHANGE. So better adapt to it." “CHANGE is Universal… CHANGE is Permanent… Be ever willing to CHANGE…... For, CHANGE alone leads you to success and happiness!!!” “If one desires a CHANGE, one must be that CHANGE before that CHANGE can take place

The best ways to become a morning person

*Get up by Defending the whisperings of shaitan by, the praises of Allah by saying:_

1 ?????????? ??????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ?????????? ??????????.'

Alhamdulillahi allathee ahyaanaa ba’da maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin nushoor.*_

2 Perform ablution

3 Pray

Let me help you to discover the best ways to become a morning person!?

An Early Riser

?1.Turn off devices

Make sure that you turn off all devices at least an hour before bed. It will definitely help you sleep better.

?2.?Schedule workouts

By organizing your mornings clearly, and scheduling, you will find it easier to stick with what you have planned.

?3. Let in natural light

By allowing your room to fill with natural light, you will be able to wake up in a much more natural way. Don’t make your room dark by putting?curtains?

?4. Take a few minutes

Take five minutes to relax, stretch, and adjust into the new day. Then get out of bed–don't let five minutes become 15. It's always a bad idea to get in the habit of pressing snooze on your alarm clock. If you wake up before your alarm, make sure that you get up. Resist the temptation to go back to sleep.?

?5. Meditate

Getting into the habit of meditation (Dhikr) and namaaz?is a fantastic and mind-clearing way to start the day. Alhamdulillah, that amazing feeling when you've prayed fajar; didn't get roped into the wrong side in the tug of war between more sleep & prayer

?6. Workout

It doesn't need to be a major workout, but do at least something to get the blood flowing, and to give yourself some energy. A light relaxing exercise is always good.?

?7.?Make breakfast

Take some time to make breakfast for yourself. Keep it generally healthy, and varied. Occasionally, you can indulge.


And not on your smartphone or tablet!?or pick up a book, and?best Book is Quran,?get a newspaper, while you have breakfast.


Taking a shower after your morning workout will fully wake you up and leave you feeling revitalised.?

?10.?Don't lounge around

While you can relax, and break into the day slowly, don't waste your time lying on the couch and watching TV!?

11?Keep to a routine

If you generally keep to a routine, and are strict about it, you will find your life will run more smoothly. Discipline is the key

You have made a decision to make a change. Try it for one month, and then decide to make it a permanent change.?And Commit yourself for a change, change your mind-set, stop thinking of yourself as not a morning person, then you can change! Don't be afraid to tell your friends about the change you have adapted!?

Now, keep it casual Get up and get dressed quickly in your comfortable clothes. You can always change later, if necessary!?

Sleep is a blessing from Allah for us to take rest and get energized. But did he ever mention that 8 hours are required?

We know our Prophet ? SAW used to pray during nights. Then how did he get the energy to give Dawah in the morning?

Sometimes we might sleep for 8 hours and still wake up groggy. And sometimes we sleep for 6 hours but get up refreshed as if we slept for 10 hours!

How does that happen??The secret lies in the quality of sleep which is a blessing from Allah.

When we get up for Fajar Salah with the sole purpose of pleasing Allah, He blesses our quality of sleep no matter how many hours, and we wake up vitalized! Because everything is in His hands! The point here is not to tell you to sleep less! If you can catch up 8 hours of sleep and still get up for Fajar Salah, that is great and there's no harm in that.

The point is to encourage you to think about our Creator from a high-level perspective, not a scientific one. If you plan on ignoring Fajar Salah just because your sleeping hours do not get completed, then remember that you feeling energised is not dependent on the number of hours you sleep, but instead depends on how much Allah blesses your sleep. The more you please Allah, the better sleep you have.

May Allah make us among his closest ones and give us all the ability to wake up for Tahajjud / Fajar Salah and to please Him. Ameen!


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