Good Habits Series- 2 Humbleness

Humbleness and Attitude of Forgive and Forget

A believer possessing humility knows that his knowledge, talents and abilities are all from Allah and this keeps his feet grounded, grateful to Allah and always kind to his servants. Humility increases a believers self confidence, which motivates him to do all that is good without putting others down.

“And the true Servants of Rahman (The Most Merciful)are those who walk on the earth with Humility” (Quran 25:63)

Call upon your Lord in Humilty and privately (Quran 7:55

If you have an Ego Problem Remind yourself that you are nothing but a slave of Allah, Humble yourself and you will see your ego dissolving. No matter how big your house is, how recent your car is, or how big your bank balance is: OUR GRAVES WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME SIZE.?STAY HUMBLE.

Remember be Patient when the world turns against you. And Be Humble when it stands with you.

Prophet (SAW) said “No one, who has an atom’s weight of arrogance in his heart will enter Paradise” (Muslim)

Treat people with mercy, forgiveness, good akhlaaq, holding back your tongue and kindness. Is the anger and hurt you are feeling right now more than the love and mercy in your heart for someone (Spouse, Parent, Children, friends & Siblings). Don't wait for someone to die to realise how important they were.?Just Imagine as if this is?the last time you would be together with them? You will feel how amazing all our relationships are.

Sometimes we react in anger, thinking about hurting those who hurt us, but we are hurting ourselves. In life sometimes it is better to ignore situations, people and offences. Because consequences can be irreversible and catastrophic.

Sometimes it's not the pain that makes us suffer. It is our own negative thoughts that make things seem even worse. Remember that ease is bound to come after every hardship. Fix your attitude. Trust in Allah. clear your mind and stay positive.

Let them pardon and overlook. Would you not love for Allah to forgive you? Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.?

{Surah An-Nur 24: Verse 22}

If You Judge People?Nobody Is Yours...

If You Understand People?Everyone Is Yours...

Develop the Habit Of?Understanding

And You?Will Experience Peace?

And Love in All Relations....

We are all travellers, let's help others unpack their baggage. Let's never add to anyone's baggage.?

Hug, forgive and kiss your loved ones.

We are Co-travellers, and share the same secrets,

We might not have the same look, and the same tongue,

But that’s not reason to differentiate between them and us,

We are the same spirit and the one Ummah!

?Say, [O Muhammad], to those who have believed that they [should] forgive those who expect not the days of Allah so that He may recompense a people for what they used to earn.?

{Surah Al-Jāthiyah 45: Verse 14}

When you lose someone nothing prepares you for the way grief consumes you, for the hollow gaping hole in your heart tearing you apart, or the raw emotions that come flooding in when you least expect them.?Nothing prepares you for seeing how the loss of a loved one affects someone else you love either. And, how your heart can break two times over, not just for your loss, but for the loss of others who loved them too. Losing someone you love is just about one of the most terrifying things you can go through, it will change you and make you question everything about life.?

This duniya and how we treat those Allah put in our lives will be a major deciding factor on where we stand on the day of judgement. Fix how you treat people and fix how you deal with people emotionally, physically, verbally and psychologically.

?Verily, the Hour is coming, so forgive them with gracious forgiveness.

{Surah Al-Hijr 15: Verse 85}

Our steps and the footprints we leave in this duniya are VERY VERY LIMITED. Absolutely nothing can program us about importance of being nice to those who are alive than losing someone we love; spend quality time with those who take up the big spaces in your heart, those who you constantly make dua for, for the wombs that bore and for the hands that were calloused to feed, cloth and provide you with shelter.?


Less grudge.

Less judgemental.

Less anger.

Less resentment.

Less reaction.

More love.

More forgiveness.

More mercy.

More joyful memories.

More response.

it is indeed a?testing time... but whenever there is choice.... choose love above hatred, choose kindness and compassion above anger and resentment choose selflessness above selfishness and forgive.... forgive yourself, forgive others and forgive everyone. Everybody is fighting their own battles.... be compassionate to yourself and be compassionate to others and everyone

You can’t take for granted that you will have another year, to show them just how much they mean to you. ?? May Allah keep our loved ones safe, happy, healthy and in the purest of eeman in this world and in barzaq - ameen ya rabbi.?


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