The Good Giving Blog: The Future .... is ours to change
As we all worry about an uncertain future, for good reason, I wanted to be unashamedly more optimistic. The reason? We really can change things from the bottom up, helping young people to get ahead, harnessing the influence and generosity of those more fortunate, and thinking about the bigger policy picture which really can impact the future.
I had the privilege of joining a dinner last week organised by MyBnk , the charity empowering young people to take charge of their financial affairs by giving them the life skills to use money literally to 'survive'. Tomorrow in one of London's oldest livery companies, the Drapers Hall, The Sussex Community Foundation hosts an event with Torsten Bell of the Resolution Foundation aimed at people who work in the City but live in Sussex. The obvious link between these two is finance, but look deeper than that and how we can all find a way to change the future, for the benefit of those less fortunate and without ready access to the 'streets flowing with gold' as former Lord Mayor Dick Whittington famously once said. In fact, as in Whittington's day, some of our cities still suffer from real poverty and grime rather than gold.
At the MyBnk dinner it was humbling to learn more about some of those who have had the toughest start in life in the care sector, and where exposure to a clever programme, the Money House, can provide essential tools and understanding about how to manage the basic necessities of life: Learning to live within your means, avoiding reliance on credit, developing true life skills and dependability, not just to hold down a job but to grow from there. In particular, delivering an accredited financial literacy programme aimed at preventing youth homelessness. Sadly, not everyone has the same chances in life to build these basic foundations, such as those in the care system, which is why targetted interventions by charities like MyBnk can have such a powerful and lasting impact. Another is the The Artisan Artworks programme in Scotland which works with young people over the course of a year to develop their skills in painting and designing a mural that elevates their voices. Take a look at some of their amazing work. The project is designed to spotlight the talents of care experienced young people and to challenge stigma and discrimination. MyBnk challenges lack of knowledge and preparation. Together, initiatives like these can make a profound difference as I found talking to one exceptional young man. This really does underline the point that everyone of us can make a difference, starting with individual cases, as so many charities do across the country, day in and day out.
The BGF Foundation , which it is my privilege to Chair, is a keen supporter of MyBnk. As we look to grow the Foundation in the years ahead we want to work alongside other local charities making a positive difference for disadvantaged young people nationwide. Harnessing the power of the entrepreneurs who BGF works with, always with a close eye to local impact, and leveraging the undoubted power of connections and networks, is an exciting journey for us to be on as a national charity. However, it is at a local level that we can perhaps do most as individuals.
I live in Sussex and came across the Sussex Community Foundation - a model originally developed in the US, which has now taken root in the UK. There is a great deal we can learn from America when it comes to philanthropy and this is one such example. The UK Communities Foundations is the national voice for local communities, with 47 accredited foundations creating the only national network of charitable funders with a physical presence in every part of the UK.? They are designed to be agile, focused on identifying local need and helping communities to thrive. This support is provided through vibrant local philanthropy, sustainable charitable funding?and?local partnerships. One novel approach that I like is the creation of funds on behalf of individuals, which are then collectively managed to create scale and distributed county wide to increase impact. This is a great way to get involved in local philanthropy, without the cost and hassle of setting up your own charity with a fund that is ring-fenced, making grants to causes an individual cares about. This obvioulsy appeals to people who live locally in one of the 47 counties, though many of us work somehwere else, and in Sussex that may include the City. That is another powerful network where many involved in business are active, with a reach extending all over the UK. That is why convening people with similar backgrounds and a local interest makes so much sense. We need these connections to offer additional support for the many excellent local charities who are struggling to meet increasing demand while trying to manage their own escalating costs. At a time when there is a national cost of living crisis, we need our charitable sector more than ever. I am sure that message will ring lound and clear tomorrow at the Drapers Hall, as it should.
Returning to those murals in Scotland. They reference the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, in particular Article 31 which is the right to lead a cultural life.?The project is designed to spotlight the talents of care experienced young people and to challenge stigma and discrimination. It is a powerful illustration, literally and figuratively, of how we can change the future by giving a proper voice to the next generation. That is surely a reason to be optimistic.
The Good Giving blog is written by Stephen Welton, Chair of the BGF Foundation
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