Good Governance in Managing the Pandemic

Good Governance in Managing the Pandemic

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I am in full support of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's call for Singapore to "keep up the virtuous circle of good governance that results in political stability and enables long-term planning." - The Straits Times - 9 November 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed an extraordinary threat to our public health and economic prosperity and it has also driven governments across the globe to operate in a context of radical uncertainty, and faced with difficult trade-offs given the public health, economic and social challenges it raises.

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Singapore, like much other government, faces tough decisions about which appropriate measures to implement towards mitigating the transmission of the virus in the community; what restrictions to impose and when to loosen them, where our nation's limited financial resources (reserves) will be spent and what national concerns can be limited to favour international cooperation to combat the pandemic globally. These decisions have to take into account public health recommendations, economic considerations, and political constraints.

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The various economic relief packages presented in the four Budgets for 2020/21 that target employment protection for our citizens and the various actions to protect and stabilise the welfare of migrant workers in my view are the right moves. This is because as our economy get back to full production, we will be able to rebound faster, unlike the case where if the migrant workers are sent back, it will take even longer to restore the economy to the pre-COVID level where we have been enjoying a strong economic performance and nearly full employment. In one of his national address during the earlier phase of the pandemic, PM Lee has assured that:

“we will look after your health, your welfare, and your livelihood. We will work with your employers to make sure that you get paid and you can send money home . . . This is our duty and responsibility to you and your families."

The other aspect of governance is for the government to introduce resilience-building criteria for the allocation of public investment funding for all levels of government. This will ensure that all levels of the government are treating all citizens and businesses in the same way although I recognise that it is crucial at the same time to focus the support to the industry segments (allocation criteria are guided by strategic national priorities) that are critical to Singapore’s sustained economic recovery with the continued financial support to operationally viable SMEs and the self-employed.

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Finally, our Government must continue to demonstrate its political will and competence in responding to the crisis. Media must be an objective arbiter of the facts. Business can provide the necessary products and reliable information. NGOs must partner with the Government in ensuring the fair distribution of the vaccine once it is being available in Singapore. This is the time for various institutions to work together, laying the groundwork for a united Singapore and trust-based governance led by the Government in the era of post-pandemic new normal.

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Reference: Reference: Bawany, S. 2020. Leadership in Disruptive Times. Business Expert Press (BEP) LLC, New York, NY.

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