Good Friday // Romans 5:8
Mark Jordan , Spiritual Advisor
It’s Good Friday, the day we remember Jesus’ death on the cross. Crucifixion is the most brutal form of execution ever devised. It was intended to inflict maximum physical pain and emotional humiliation.?The Romans wanted it to be a spectacle as a way to convey that anyone who got out of line could be next. This was the type of death Jesus suffered, and it was all because of God’s great love for humanity. Jesus who was without sin took on the sin of the world to pay the price only He could pay and give us the gift only He could give.?
All too often people feel like they need to get their lives cleaned up before turning to God. That is not God’s way. As today’s verse states, God demonstrated His love for us while we were still lost. This, my friends, is the best news. You can turn to the Lord no matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done. He doesn’t wait for you to clean up your life; no, He wants you to welcome Him in to your heart so you can clean up your life together. This is the amazing love of God in action for you long before you turn to Him.?
If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, don’t let today pass you by. Jesus died for you, but as we’ll remember on Sunday, He didn’t stay that way for long. In the meantime, if you feel lost and dead in your sin, turn to Christ. Let Him change your life and be your hope. If you want to talk about it further, please comment below and let’s talk.?