“Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other”, agri-food, and “any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan”
Michael Horlick, MPM, M Ed., PMP
Educator, Lexicographer, and Incurable Idealist
Terms to note from today’s PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs press conference:
Today’s quote:
As President Xi Jinping stressed, we live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-US relationship. To overstretch the concept of national security, and weaken or sever one’s economic ties with other countries leads nowhere, and will only destabilize global industrial and supply chains, disrupt international trade order, and end up harming one’s own interests. The US needs to act on its commitment of not seeking to hold back China’s economic growth and create an enabling environment for its relations with China and cooperation in various fields.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 人类社会休戚相关、福祸相依,各国你中有我、我中有你,大家应该为实现共赢、多赢凝聚最大共识。?
We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes.? (President Xi Jinping Meets with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken_2024_04_26)
Today’s quote:
The two presidents [Xi Jinping and Aleksandar Vu?i? of Serbia] signed the Joint Statement on Deepening and Elevating the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and Building a China-Serbia Community with a Shared Future in the New Era. They also witnessed the exchange of multiple cooperation documents including on Belt and Road cooperation, green development, digital economy, e-commerce, infrastructure, economic and technical cooperation, information and communication, agri-food, and the media.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 中法两国元首一致认为,两国作为联合国安理会常任理事国和独立自主大国,有能力、有责任超越分歧和束缚,坚持稳定、互惠、开拓、向上的中法全面战略伙伴关系大方向,共同促进世界和平、稳定与发展。 ... 双方同意在优势互补基础上,深化航空航天、农食、绿色等领域互利合作,助力两国发展振兴。?
President Xi and President Macron agreed that as permanent members of the UN Security Council and independent major countries, China and France have the ability and responsibility to rise above differences and obstacles, keep to the overall direction of a comprehensive strategic partnership that is stable, mutually beneficial, enterprising and dynamic, and jointly contribute to global peace, stability and development. ... The two sides agreed to capitalize on their complimentarity and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in areas of space, aviation, agrifood and green development to boost the development and prosperity of both countries.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 10, 2023)?
?? 为阿方优质农食产品建立输华准入“绿色通道”。?
China will establish a "green channel" for the Arab side's quality agri-food products to be exported to China.? (Xi_Jinping_Eight Major Initiatives on China-Arab practical cooperation 八大共同行动2022_12_09)?
?? 12月3日,中老铁路首列全铁路运输水果冷链班列开通,来自老挝、泰国、缅甸等东南亚国家的优质农食产品,将借助中老铁路通关快捷、国际货运规模化的优势,更加安全、快速地销往中国市场。?
On December 3 [2022], the first special cold-chain train for fruit transportation running along the China-Laos railway was officially launched. Quality agricultural and food products from Laos, Thailand, Myanmar and other Southeast Asian nations can now enjoy the benefit of convenient customs clearance and large-scale cross-border freight transportation of the China-Laos Railway, and safer, faster distribution to the Chinese market.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on December 5, 2022? )
Today’s quote:
... 是中方愿扩大进口塞尔维亚特色优质农产品,双方已经完成李子干、蓝莓输华手续,并解除对塞尔维亚高致病性禽流感疫情禁令;?
... China will import more high-quality agricultural specialties from Serbia. Procedures for the export of dried plums and blueberry to China have already been completed, and the restrictions related to highly pathogenic avian influenza have been lifted.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 去年,我国发生四川芦山地震、甘肃岷县漳县地震、黑龙江松花江嫩江流域洪涝、南方高温干旱、沿海强台风等严重自然灾害,出现人感染禽流感疫情。?
Last year [2013], several severe natural disasters occurred in China, including earthquakes in Lushan, Sichuan Province, and in Min and Zhang counties, Gansu Province; floods in the Heilong, Songhua and Nen river areas; high temperatures and drought in southern China; and ferocious typhoons in coastal areas. The transmission of avian flu to humans also occurred.? (政府工作报告_2014)
Today’s quote:
Some in Japan are clearly up to no good by preaching that “any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan.” But they will not get their way. By repeating and hyping that rhetoric, the DPP authorities are essentially telling the world that they’re always ready to ingratiate themselves with Japan and sell Taiwan out in order to seek “Taiwan independence” through soliciting foreign support. It once again reminds people that “Taiwan independence” and foreign interference are the biggest undermining factor for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Let me stress that the one-China principle is a universal consensus. No separatist attempt for “Taiwan independence” will get anywhere, whatever its form or pretext.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 《波茨坦公告》《开罗宣言》等国际法律文件,构成战后国际秩序的国际法基础,写明台湾回归中国是二战后国际秩序的组成部分。然而,一段时间以来,日本国内一些势力极力美化侵略历史,为军国主义“招魂”“翻案”,甚至鼓噪“台湾有事就是日本有事”。?
In international legal instruments such as the Potsdam Proclamation and the Cairo Declaration which constitute the legal basis of the post-war international order, state that Taiwan’s return to China is an important component of the post-WWII international order. However, some in Japan have been doing all they can to whitewash the history of aggression, honor the militarists and justify their crimes. They even claim that “Any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan”.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 16, 2023)?
?? 一段时间以来,日方涉台消极动向频繁集中,日本国内一些人鼓噪“台湾有事就是日本有事”,这一错误认知无疑向“台独”势力发出了十分危险的错误信号。?
Over the past few months, there have been a string of frequent negative moves concerning the Taiwan question from Japan. Some people in Japan claim that “Any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan”. This is a wrong perception which has undoubtedly sent a very dangerous and wrong message to the “Taiwan independence” forces.? )Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 18, 2022)?
?? 日本防卫大臣岸信夫近日表示,中国以不透明的方式持续高水平地增加国防开支,加强军事力量,引发日本等地区国家和国际社会强烈担忧。钓鱼岛是日领土,日将捍卫相关岛屿主权。日台地理位置接近,台若出事,日亦无法置身事外。日防卫副大臣中山泰秀称,台湾有事就是日本有事。?
Japan's Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi recently said that “Chinese military trends, including the rapid strengthening, increasing activity and expansion of its operational capabilities, combined with the lack of transparency regarding its defense policy and military capabilities, have become a strong security concern for Japan, the region and the international community”. He claimed that the Diaoyu Islands are “unquestionably Japanese territory and would be defended as such.” Given the geographical proximity between Japan and Taiwan island, “what could happen in Taiwan could likely be an issue for Japan, and in that case, Japan will have to take the necessary response to that situation.” Yasuhide Nakayama, Japan's Deputy Defense Minister, said that "What's happening in Taiwan is directly linked to Japan".? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 30_2021)
Today’s quote:
Some in Japan are clearly up to no good by preaching that “any contingency for Taiwan is a contingency for Japan.” But they will not get their way. By repeating and hyping that rhetoric, the DPP authorities are essentially telling the world that they’re always ready to ingratiate themselves with Japan and sell Taiwan out in order to seek “Taiwan independence” through soliciting foreign support. It once again reminds people that “Taiwan independence” and foreign interference are the biggest undermining factor for peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Let me stress that the one-China principle is a universal consensus. No separatist attempt for “Taiwan independence” will get anywhere, whatever its form or pretext.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 至于“挟洋谋独”,更是自欺欺人的黄粱一梦而已。中国人不打中国人,但如果岛内一些人不想做“中国人”,我们也不会坐视不管。?
As for “seeking independence with foreign support,” it's nothing more than a self-deceiving day dream. Chinese don't fight Chinese, but if some people on the island don't want to be Chinese, we won't sit idly by.? (Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of National Defense on September 28, 2023)?
?? “挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败。?
Seeking independence with foreign support will go nowhere, and using the Taiwan question to contain China is doomed to fail.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on August 11, 2022)?
?? 台湾的前途希望在于两岸关系和平发展,在于实现国家的统一,而不是依靠什么外部的“空头支票”。“挟洋谋独”没有出路,“以台制华”注定失败,台湾终会回到祖国的怀抱。?
Taiwan’s future and hope lies in the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and reunification with the mainland,?not?in?counting on the?empty promises of external forces. Seeking?foreign support to gain independence is a dead end. The?scheme to use Taiwan to contain China is doomed to fail.?Taiwan will eventually return to the embrace of the motherland.? (Wang_Yi_Press Conference_2022_03_07)
Today’s quote:
President Xi Jinping just wrapped up his state visit to Serbia. During the visit, President Xi attended a grand welcoming ceremony held by President Vu?i? and the two presidents held talks before jointly meeting the press. The two heads of state announced the decision of deepening and upgrading the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Serbia and of building a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on May 9, 2024)?
Previous PRC history of the term:
?? 双方同意发挥中柬政府间协调委员会的统筹协调作用,持续推进高质量、高水平、高标准的新时代中柬命运共同体建设,共同倡导自由、开放、平等、包容、普惠的多边主义和经济全球化。?
The two sides [China and Cambodia] agreed to leverage the coordinating role of the China-Cambodia Intergovernmental Coordination Committee, usher in a new era of building a high-quality, high-level and high-standard China-Cambodia community with a shared future, and jointly advocate free, open, equal, inclusive and universally beneficial multilateralism and economic globalization.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on April 23, 2024)?
?? 中泰是亲密友好邻邦和命运共同体,加强人员往来既是弘扬“中泰一家亲”传统情谊的应有之义,也是推进新时代中泰命运共同体建设的重要组成部分。?
China and Thailand are close friends and neighbors and a community of shared future. To have more people-to-people exchange is absolutely essential for strengthening the traditional familial bond between our two countries and an important part of building a China-Thailand community with a shared future in the new era.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on September 26, 2023)?
?? 1月25日,习近平主席主持中国同中亚五国建交30周年视频峰会。这是今年中国主办的首场重大多边外交活动,也是30年来中国同中亚五国元首第一次集体会晤,具有里程碑意义。峰会期间,六国元首回顾过去,总结经验,展望未来,擘画蓝图,通过并发表《中国同中亚五国领导人关于建交30周年的联合声明》,达成六点共识:一是决定合力构建新时代命运共同体。各方决心按照相互尊重、睦邻友好、同舟共济、互利共赢“四项原则”,不断增进互信、扩大合作,推动中国中亚关系持续稳定向前发展。?
On January 25 [2022], President Xi Jinping chaired the virtual summit to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Central Asian countries. This is the first major multilateral diplomatic activity hosted by China this year, and also the first group summit between the heads of state of China and the five Central Asian countries since the establishment of diplomatic ties 30 years ago. During the milestone summit, the six heads of state took stock of past experience and painted a blueprint for the future. They came to agreement in the following six areas by adopting and publishing the joint statement between China and the five Central Asian countries on the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties. First, they decided to build a community with a shared future for the new era in joint efforts. All sides are determined to follow the four principles of mutual respect, good-neighborly friendship, solidarity in trying times, and mutual benefit, continuously enhance mutual trust and expand cooperation, and promote the sustained and steady development of China-Central Asia relations.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on January 26, 2022)?
?? 11月29日,习近平主席将以视频方式出席中非合作论坛第八届部长级会议开幕式并发表主旨演讲,非盟峰会执行局成员国国家元首、论坛非方共同主席国塞内加尔总统萨勒、刚果(金)总统齐塞克迪、南非总统拉马福萨、科摩罗总统阿扎利、埃及总统塞西以及非盟委员会主席法基、联合国秘书长古特雷斯也将出席开幕式。 ... 开幕式后,论坛54个成员国外长或代表、负责对外经济合作事务部长和非盟委员会代表将举行全体会,共同评估论坛北京峰会成果落实和中非团结抗疫情况,规划未来三年及更长一段时间中非关系发展方向,推动中非政治互信不断深化、务实合作提质升级,用实实在在的合作成果更多更好惠及广大中非人民,推动构建新时代中非命运共同体。?
President Xi Jinping will attend the opening ceremony of the Eighth Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) and deliver a keynote speech through video link on November 29. The Bureau of the Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government, including Senegalese President and the African co-chair of FOCAC Macky Sall, President Félix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Comoros President Azali Assoumani and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will also attend the opening ceremony.? ... After the opening ceremony, the foreign ministers or representatives of the 54 member states of the forum, and ministers responsible for external economic cooperation and representatives of the African Union Commission will hold the plenary meeting, where they will jointly evaluate the implementation of the outcomes of the Beijing Summit and the solidarity of China and Africa against COVID-19, and outline the development of China-Africa relations in the next three years and beyond, so as to deepen China-Africa mutual trust and elevate the practical cooperation. This will deliver greater benefits to the people in China and Africa with tangible cooperation outcomes and build a China-Africa community with a shared future in the new era.? (Foreign Ministry Regular Press Conference on November 26, 2021)
Read in parallel: https://tinyurl.com/56639mfv