Good food fuels good health
The Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Food Agency have come up with national goals and focus areas to support public health and sustainability in food. This initiative, mandated by the Government, addresses dietary imbalances among Swedes, such as insufficient intake of vegetables and legumes and excessive consumption of salt, processed foods, meat, and nutrient-poor, high-sugar, and high-fat foods. Food plays a crucial role in our physical, mental, and social health, yet current dietary habits are a major contributor to illness and disease in many advanced nations, including Sweden.
A subscribtion to our meal kits in Sweden, Denmark or Norway doesn't just save time and offer delicious dinners and kitchen inspiration. It also provides access to professionally created recipes by local chefs and dietitians, nutritionally balanced according to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and our guidelines. Our team of dietitians reviews the nutritional content of our recipes on a quarterly basis.
As Cheffelo Dietitian Caroline Lutz went through the national goals and the connected sub-goals? presented by the agencies, we asked her to add some comments on how we work within these areas.
"Comparing the national goals to our focus areas fills me with pride and motivation, seeing our efforts aligning so well with these objectives," states Caroline Lutz, Registered Dietitian at Cheffelo.
A selection of the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Food Agency’s sub goals and how we work at Cheffelo