Good Feedback works
How EFFECTIVE is your feedback – Keep to the basics and get the best return
Feedback is the most important part towards improving and will promote motivation throughout, however this must be done in a progressive manner, as badly chosen feedback can weaken the authority of the leader , so it is important to know when feedback should be provided and how much. It is also important to ensure that the feedback provided is agreed by everyone one involved and must be relevant to the subject or task that has been delivered or completed.
It can be applied into anything you do and there should be no time limits.
Feedback can be provided in various ways and this should again be tailored to everyone’s needs and must be appropriate by identifying the strengths and areas for improvement, though the strengths and areas for improvement should be provided in a prioritised order of importance and aimed at motivation.
Verbal feedback is my favourite and is mostly used in a two way process for example, after a practical session where I would provide feedback back to the individual or a group. This type of feedback can resolve any misunderstanding immediately but can also have a negative effect if not constructive.
Another effective method used, is when I discuss the feedback with the individual or teams, negotiating with them. I do this by asking them first on how they think they have done and allowing them to be involved during this process, as it gives them time to identify or highlight any errors they have done or made. By negotiating these negative points it can then be turned into some positive feedback as they might have been harsh on themselves, where I would then negotiate the good points to install motivation and encouraging the individual or teams, reassuring them and boosting confidence promoting moral and performance.
All of the above methods can be used, though feedback must be designed in a way to install motivation throughout, so it is important to start with some good points then cover areas for improvement, finishing with good points to help towards confidence and motivation.
Keep improving and don’t stop learning from each other.