Good is not Good Enough
Priya Kumar
Author | Motivational Speaker | Screen Writer | Biography Specialist with 30 years of experience in the industry
Never do something good enough. For if it was done good enough, it most certainly should have been done better. ~ Unknown
Today is the world where “good is the new average”. The top companies, the top employers and the top employees in the world don’t claim to be good; they claim to be the best. If you cannot claim that your services, that your attitude and that your work delivery is the best in the world, then you fall in the 75% bracket of the average performers who draw an average salary and lead an average life. To up your game, to elevate your standard of living, to belong to the elite group of performers you have to change your attitude from good to best.
Work to delight, your customers, employers and whoever your work touches. The two extra mint leaves adds a zing into the lemonade. A little “thank you for your trust” note, in the file that you are submitting to your boss conveys a very sincere acknowledgement and reassurance of a work well done. It’s the little things that we take for granted are sometimes that things that matter most. If your work, if your delivery is not bringing a smile on the face of the receiver then you are falling into the curse average.
Speed is what will add a vertical rise to your success. Under promise and over deliver. There is no glory in being late or being a victim to delays. You are always going to be racing against time, for work and for your own life. Estimate the time you are going to take to finish a job and make it your job to finish it in half, and you will get into the fast lane to success. Ever notice that the fast lane isn’t crowded?
When delivering a job or service, make it personal. As much as there are certain ways that you like to do things, making it personal to the receiver will take you from good to best in no time. “Since it meant a lot to you to have the books tomorrow, I personally went and picked them up to get them to you”. “Since pink is your favorite color, I used pink ink to sign the books”. Get personal in your delivery. Take interest in who your target audience is, whether your seniors, customers or co-workers. Get the job done, and get it done their way. The rewards you will get in terms of goodwill—your reputation will begin to precede you.
Good doesn’t pay more. Good doesn’t bring you glory. Strive for best. Strive for delight, speed and always remember to make it personal.
I know how much success means to you and I know that half way into the year, you are still giving your best shot at work. I also know that there is constant pressure and bombarding of negativity from the market, the economy, the competition and the environment in general. And sometimes, that negativity works its way into our hearts and infects our enthusiasm, passion and drive and in creeps the self-doubt and limiting beliefs “Can I really do this?” That’s when you know its time to take a step back and get a grip on that power that will steer you clear to your goals.
The Personal Breakthrough Workshop on 20th August will get you to challenge the inhibitions that have found their way into your life, that have been holding you back from going all out and driving your job at full steam. Walk on Fire and with that experiential learning get back your spirit to conquer and overcome all adversities. Your passion may need some dusting. Your power may need to be unleashed. Let nothing hold you back !!! Success is your inheritance. This 20th August you are invited to Re-New, Re-Boot and Re-Invent the game that you were always meant to win.
On early bird registration, you get a one-on-one exclusive session with me where I help you create a battle plan to get you started on your vision and goals, worth Rs. 25,000 absolutely free. Not only that, you get access to three video sessions spread over the next three months that will address your concerns, keep you focused on your goals and give you the winner’s edge in your daily living.
Commitment to your dreams is the key. And I am here to help.
Rooting for your success.
Priya Kumar
Motivational Speaker, Author and CEO
Priya Kumar's Training Systems
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