Good is not enough; become GREAT
1. Find your compelling "Why". Answer this question-Why do you do what you do? (I with my team would like to explore the competencies of young professionals & management students).
2. Become a great force. Develop great thoughts, feel the feelings that empower you & do what you know needs to be done. (Developing an association where the condensed knowledge of experts are transferred to impact the minds of young professionals).
3. Model great men who have reached the pinnacle of success before you. (Inspiration could be drawn from great men/women like Late Dr.Kalam, N. Modi, R. Tata, Big B, M.S.Dhoni).
4. Give your best shot each day. Do what comes to you naturally & play your strengths every day. (Exhibit your passion, energy, positiveness to work & people every minute of the day).
5. Find the best arena. Play your game very well. You may be a good manager but a great singer. You may be a good computer engineer but a great athlete. Take the skills to the job or place where you know you can make a great impact. (During weekends showcase those skills which build your self-esteem).
6. Execute & stick with it. Action speaks louder than words. Take massive action, continuous action, corrective action, faster action. When you stop taking action, you are going against yourself. Take action, learn, respond. Action gives you great feedback. (What makes people extraordinary is to do ordinary things extraordinary).
7. Move forward. Never carry baggage. While traveling, you will encounter a lot of challenges, difficulties. Never get stuck, just move forward. (Forward momentum is the best management principle). Collaborate with people whose wavelength matches with you. (No single person can make a family, community, society, or a nation; it requires members to make something a reality).
Putting it all together, you can stack the deck in your favor by playing to your strengths, living your values, and finding the best arena for your greatest results.