Good Customer Service
This is a topic that is worth writing about. How come good customer service is so hard to find? This is service that evokes emotion that makes you remember it. We all have had those rare moments when someone has helped us with such passion, enthusiasm, understanding, and a caring nature that it sticks with us. I did a class where I asked students about such a moment. Many spoke of this moment, but being so rare, they had to go back years to recall an incident. Much of the service we get is just standard, service that does not create a memorable moment. It seems so easy to do. In fact, I go out of my way to make moments with people I interact with. Not because I have to, but it makes me feel good and I want people to remember who I am. The guy that makes you smile a little when you see me again. Maybe that is the angle companies need to take. Chick-fil-A makes those moments effortlessly. It is proof it can be done on a large scale. It makes their products seem so much more enjoyable. Something that is free to do, and makes employees feel good about themselves should not be rare. It should be a no-brainer. It is a win for everyone.
Well said John.