Good Cop(y), Bad Cop(y)

Good Cop(y), Bad Cop(y)

This is a deviation from what I usually write about and in no way am I an expert in advertising or writing copy. I am sure it is pretty evident now that some of you have read my writing. It is a load of crap but my intention however poor my writing is to get an opinion out there. My own version of "influence".

The cricket World Cup is on. Everyone is on some bandwagon or the other, like with October 2nd, to prove a point about virality. In an already divided world, dividing people further seems counterproductive to say the least without getting too political. The ads I have seen in recent times are blatant in their disregard for people, gender, communities and everything else in between.

Credit: Asanka Brendon Ratnayake/AP

A sporting tie between two nations should be just that, a sporting tie.

There simply is no need to bring elements inciting two communities of people to be pitted against each other. Sport is the one place (in my opinion) that does not need any validation or the push of advertising in the manner it has been done in recent times (most notably yesterday by a massive travel brand).

Brands if they choose to do so, can stand up for something like what 耐克 did with Colin Kaepernick, backlash yes but the right point was proven. The point simply was that to be at the top of the game you need to be beyond what the sport dictates you to be, a brilliant line from the commercial I remember features Lebron James and the line goes

"Don't become the best basketball player on the planet, be bigger than basketball"

Nuance is everything.

We as brands are responsible for telling the right stories, and the right narrative. We owe it to the folks who choose us over others to be responsible and without bias.

I do not claim to know all the answers to the problem, but I do know this, Good copy and bad copy both have the power to influence and shape the minds of people so why not make better choices and create better rhetoric for ourselves?

The opportunity to shape the future and shape opinion without cancelling anyone.

Just be better.

End of Rant.


