Good Company: Building It, Finding It, Being It

Good Company: Building It, Finding It, Being It

When was the last time you experienced truly good company??

Good Company is a philosophy that transcends everything I do. As the CEO and founder of Focused Labs , it’s what has propelled our business to unprecedented heights in our first five years, including Built In 's Best Startups to Work For and one of the fastest-growing companies in the Midwest by Inc. Magazine .

It seems like these days, there is a general belief that things aren’t as good as they used to be. Planned obsolescence of products, worsened customer experiences despite company efforts to improve, and a pervasive feeling of distrust among everyone.

I get it. It’s fair criticism. Customers, employees, and leaders alike are frustrated with shortcuts being marketed as solutions under the guise of “efficiency” and “progress.” I’ve seen it, and it’s why I’ve had to implement this Good Company approach.

I think about Good Company in three categories:

  1. Creating good businesses
  2. Surrounding myself with quality people
  3. Being the kind of company (pun intended) that others want to keep around

What I love is that these concepts are industry-agnostic. They can (and should) be applied across the board, regardless of where you are in your entrepreneurial journey, career, or life.?

Good company = growth. It’s really that simple.?

Here’s what Good Company looks like.?

Business & Leadership

At my core, I’m a builder. Building good shit takes time, consistency, and commitment. That has proven to be an undeniable truth in software, in business, in relationships, and even in my passion for woodworking.

Building anything is a craft—a skill that needs to be nurtured with proper attention, flexibility, and focus. Combining expert knowledge and true agile implementation is how Focused Labs has been able to demonstrate immense value for both enterprise and start-up clients.

I consciously founded Focused Labs with principles that defied the conventions of the Silicon Valley stereotype. We pride ourselves in being unintimidating in nature and unintimidated in practice. This is our true point of difference, and it’s a stark contrast from the typical software partners available in today’s oversaturated market.

Our culture is grounded in intention, and it’s thriving because it’s maintained and continuously improved upon by our people. From our hiring to our processes to our policies, we refuse to accept anything less than amazing.

I can confidently say that Focused Labs is the blueprint example of a Good Company because I built it with intention. And before we could be amazing in all we do, we needed to make sure we were good.

These are the three pillars of Focused Labs’ foundation:

  • Listen first. Presence is everything. Be an active participant and take in what’s happening. Take the time to hear, understand, and process before taking action.
  • Learn why. Fuel your curiosity through questions. Remain open-minded and willing to change. Look for new and true opportunities to expand.?
  • Love and master your craft. You are a visionary and a builder. Use your passion as a driving force to recommit every day. Be diligently working toward building new and better things.

Ultimately, Good Company in business and culture is defined by organizations and their people being structured for infinite growth. It’s not just about the money or revenue; it’s being responsive to changes in industries, markets, and processes, and the elements above must be present to stay focused on growth.

The entire purpose behind all the focus on quality, organizational design, systems that scale, and more—especially within software—is to create predictability. We all want consistent, predictable output.?

Because the only thing we know for certain is that our systems will eventually require change. They always do.

That means a truly good company needs to be designed to sustain and thrive in change. Your standard for good starts with knowing how to be nimble while producing consistently high-quality results through your team’s skills, products, offerings, and service. Without that, your potential for growth and success is stunted from the jump.


Good Company couldn’t exist without people. Your success is dependent on the quality of the colleagues and clients you foster relationships with.?

We all know the old adage that you are the result of the five people you surround yourself with. That is even more clear in business. The wrong people and partnerships can quickly tank your momentum, projected outcomes, and reputation.?

As a hiring manager, evaluating candidates’ soft skills, emotional intelligence, and chemistry with your existing team is just as important as measuring the hard skills they bring to the table. You need to trust these people to make the right decisions when they’re the ones closest to the problems at hand, and you’ll want to enjoy working alongside them in the trenches.

When evaluating prospective clients and partners, it’s not just about whether they’re an ideal fit for the business. A crystal-clear understanding of your ICP will help fill your pipeline with the best opportunities, but it’s about forming meaningful ties with people you genuinely want to do business with every day.

My unwavering commitment to making excellence the expectation for both our services and our client experience doesn’t come from a place of arrogance. It’s not that we’re objectively better, faster, or stronger. It’s to prove that excellence and satisfaction are possible for anyone.?

Because if it’s not easy to understand, learn, and use, then what’s the point??

Part of my own ethos as a leader and founder is focusing on demystifying fears and decoding pain points. Confusion and complexity are the enemy of growth. The more you can simplify, the better the experience for everyone involved, and the stronger and more abundant your business and your relationships will be.

Being Good Company

This one’s the simplest piece yet, and it’s pretty closely tied to the three Focused Labs values mentioned earlier.

Be yourself. Be real. That’s how you build confidence, make faster progress, and find your people. A solid foundation will always outlast a facade.?

That said, authenticity is not enough.?

Sure, you want to feel comfortable, but not too comfortable. Positive challenge and conversation form the crux of ensuring that you become and remain a good company. It’s in that space where you can accept discomfort, thoughtfully debate (not argue), and know there’s no threat or judgment from either side.

Good company requires acceptance, trust, and honesty from all parties. That kind of transparency builds trust, which is why I invest my time and energy in creating such environments. And in life, work, and relationships, without trust, you have nothing.?

Start by building trust in yourself that you will navigate and conquer inevitable challenges. Be willing to challenge others and be challenged, and see how it transforms your world.

Because we make the world we want. If you want something badly enough, it’s your responsibility to make it happen.?

And when you do, make sure it’s damn good.?

If you want to talk more about Good Company, technology, or leadership, send me a message. You can also learn more about Focused Labs here .

Gourish Singla

Serial Entrepreneur | Early-stage Investor

8 个月

Leadership fuels innovation; a vital synergy for success!


Your focus on creating an environment for growth and lasting impact is truly inspiring! ??

Sergio M.

AWS SAA - GenAI Certified - Founder at Cleta

8 个月

Good stuff! It's hard to find an in-between between being uncomfortable and too comfortable.

Leigh Anna Sodac

Marketing Consultant & Fractional CMO | Marketing Strategy & Implementation | Performance & Growth Marketing | Product & Lifecycle Marketing | Go-To-Market | Brand Development | CHIEF | MBA | Voracious Reader

8 个月

Creating a culture focused on growth and authenticity is key to long-term success. Let's keep pushing boundaries together! ??



