Good, Cleansing Joy

Good, Cleansing Joy

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Hallelujah Jordan. Have a listen and come back please.

Joyfulness matters and it is more (and less) of what we think. More to share... in a moment.


This morning, I wrote on The Patient Consult, exploring substantive thought around consultation. I truly and humbly recommend the read. As Bahá’u’lláh stated, "Consultation bestoweth greater awareness and transmuteth conjecture into certitude. It is a shining light which, in a dark world, leadeth the way and guideth. For everything there is and will continue to be a station of perfection and maturity. The maturity of the gift of understanding is made manifest through consultation."

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That said, and as noted in last week's A Good Bye and Good Decision, I am taking leave to address health concerns. I have had my own consultations ... externally and internally. I know what needs to be done. The good news is that so very much is in my hands. I am taking care of matters around physical lifestyle and it is already showing results. I am also addressing grief to move forward, not on. Both are priorities in my own rest and reset.

With all that in mind and heart, as Nora McInerny manifests and shares in her TED talk... joy and grief can and do co-exist. Consider Joyfulness...

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  • Joy gives us wings! In times of joy our strength is more vital, our intellect keener, and our understanding less clouded. We seem better able to cope with the world and to find our sphere of usefulness. But when sadness visits us we become weak, our strength leaves us, our comprehension is dim and our intelligence veiled. --- ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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Joy gives us wings! Take that Red Bull. Joyfulness is that countenance and gate that brings us strength, keener intellect, and better Understanding. We are more capable and useful. Sadness weakens and dims us.

This is not to say that we can and should not ever be sad. Indeed, and in deed, we must. There is that Dance as Garth Brooks sings of... but Joyfulness is not about being happy. Happiness and sadness are emotions and they, by their nature, come and go like the weather. Some days are sunny, others not. There are gradients as well. There are varying lengths of time, too.

Hothouse Joy

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I have loved so very many songs over the years (I share a lot of them here at ROCKfox, feel welcome to join)... and many by The Hothouse Flowers. When I think of their music, I have a better understanding of authentic Joyfulness.

Think of Joyfulness as a spirit, countenance and gate that understands that the dance matters. The Hothouse Flowers sing of it here in their rendition of I Can See Clearly Now. ... and, in other ways, sing to it in The Older We Get. God, I love The Hothouse Flowers... lol. Here are the lyrics to The Older We Get...

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  • As a child touching age we think that it's so
  • That life, love and everything is easy to know
  • The old, they can't reach us, their ways are not ours
  • Though they furrowed our futures, our freedom they bore
  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
  • The more you mean to me
  • I believe in these people, I believe in this age
  • Though I hear about torment in lives lonely page
  • Yet still we walk strong, we'll remember we're free
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  • For the truth we are given, for what we believe
  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
  • The more you mean to me, oh
  • I have searched out the answers to the mysteries, the laws
  • Though still I find barriers, yet still I would fall
  • But I still struggle on the truth that I seek
  • But I must remain strong for the lonely, the weak, the weak, the old
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  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
  • The more you mean to me, older we get
  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
  • The more you mean to me
  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
  • The more you mean to me
  • The older we get, the farther we see
  • The more we mean to each other
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  • The more you mean to me, yes

And then there is their song Movies, wow.

  • Do you go to the movies
  • Find a friend in a film
  • Holding hands with the heroes
  • Fall in love with the heroine?
  • When you were young and easy
  • Did you like to take the day off?
  • Run in the sun and the breeze
  • And nothing to think of
  • Do you run to the silence?
  • Do you hide in the dark?
  • Do you like to go walking
  • Alone in the city?
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  • Do the soft things hurt you?
  • Have you got something to lose?
  • Because it's only water
  • Got to let it flow through
  • Get on up, get into the groove, eh
  • Do you go to the movies
  • Find a friend in a film
  • Holding hands with the heroes
  • Fall in love with the heroine?
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah it's true
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah I think it's you
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  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah can you feel the soul?
  • Got to be the closest thing to the rock and roll, who!
  • When you take to thinking heavy
  • Say you need some medicine, yeah
  • So it leads to drinking heavy
  • Do you really need medicine, really need medicine?
  • Do you go?
  • Do you go to the movies
  • Do you find a friend?
  • Find a friend in a film
  • Hold hands
  • Holding hands with the heroes
  • Fall in love, fall in love
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  • Fall in love with the heroine?
  • Do you live?
  • Do you live by the movies
  • Find a friend in a film
  • Do you hold hands?
  • Holding hands with the heroes
  • Do you fall in love?
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  • Fall in love with the heroine?
  • Find a friend
  • Hold hands
  • Fall in love
  • Fall in love, fall in love

The Point

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So what? I am taking these days to address mind, body, spirit and Soul. It is time. It is one of those three or four times in life where we truly need such time... to rest and reset... and be in our own wilderness. But whatever time and space we get, I am reminded this day of the importance of Joyfulness. It is our climate to the weather of emotions. To that end, I am indeed taking these next few months to recalibrate. Music will be an arrow of choice in my quiver. Prayer will too.

Years ago, I somewhat quietly claimed the notion of Joybringer. It was not about being happy at the expense of sad. It was about loving this dance that is life, ups and downs, sun and cloud, hot and cold. I am blessed to be here. So are you, whether it is clear right now or not. For me, there is a fire being rekindled, a ride to be taken. I have healing to do for my own wings, cleaning them up mind, body and spirit. But, in that, I am reminded that "Joy gives us wings!"

For now, I step back and share some joy along the way.

Hope you ride with me here.

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... peacepassion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy with Epic Engage

Lead, inspire, educate, and unite. Move forward together, stronger. My work is about bringing campuses, companies and communities together, moving forward stronger. I work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders to do just that. My work is about character leadership and education and its role in helping individuals and organizations build a better world at school, work, business and community. I deliver on it through speaking, coaching and development in character leadership and education. My expertise is character leadership and education. I advance unity in diversity by moving the needle on leadership and education that is high character and results forging. I speak, teach, coach, facilitate, lead, write, sing, dance, cartoon and create on that. In 1980, Professor Rolf Hattenauer changed my life. A highly respected expert in Human Resource Management, he expected much of us and he believed much in us. He was an educator and leader of high character. He was extraordinary. To this day and beyond, I try my darnedest to honor his spirit with my own work. That is another story. But I hope I did him service here.

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CHECK OUT from March...


AAAAAAAND thoughts on character and leadership...

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