Max La Rocca ?
??10 Best International Bartender at Tales of the Cocktail ??50 Greatest Bars on Earth by The Sunday Times ??3rd in the World at World Class Competition ??Hospitality & Competitions Educator
At the end of June 2018 I will be leaving my Diageo World Class family after 6 years!
?? It has been an honour to put my passion into creating Hospitality Professional Communities all over the world, mentoring amazing colleagues and friends, developing great signature serves and pushing the drinks industry forward with genuine commitment!
?? I made so many friends for life, learnt so many things, overcome so many obstacles with amazing people on my side.
?? I TRULY APPRECIATE EVERY SECOND OF IT as it's been a real privilege for me not only professionally but also personally!
?? There's never enough space in a picture like this one, to describe all those magic moments??
?? My next steps?
?? KEEP INSPIRING as many #Hospitality Professionals as possible all around the World, this is is my ultimate goal!
?? I'm open to ideas, projects, #BarShow, mentoring and whatever comes to mind that can help me serve the #BartendingCommunity
?? With respect, humbleness and never-ending passion
Al Social Media: @maxlaroccatribe