Good Bye Kobe - A Reminder to Get Home to Family and Friends
Greg Mester
Author of "Get to the Next Level" (Coming 2025): More Value ??, Time ?, Experience ?? and Fun ??as Agile Coach and Speaker ?? helping People and Businesses grow Profit in their personal lives and business operations.
Hearing that Kobe died today made me really think about how I coach people and teams. Such a young person 10 years younger than me, his wife and young children missing out on a Dad and husband and a sister. I like to coach people to work more lean and effective, so they can be home with family and friends creating lasting memories and relationships that can't be made in the work space. It just reminds me that getting people home is so important and valuable.
I reflect on a comment about my #5amMesterScrum show where a co-worker gave me feedback that having my son on it was not so professional. The person is young and just does not understand that as we get older, we see so many leave this earth unexpectedly. I cherish the shows my kids join even if they drive me nuts, as 5amMesterScrum has been a great little bonding activity between my kids and that can never be replicated in the corporate office (I still need to balance it myself). There are so many levels of interaction this little vblog has created off camera that I cherish and make me smile. I hope seeing the interaction will inspire others to get home to family and friends more than less often. If I can contribute, even a little bit, to our mission and help others realize it for themselves, that is so awesome.
I'll be praying for him and his family even though his team beat my 76ers team in the championship so many years ago. He was a Philly person at heart, Dad and Husband and will forever be that. It is just a shame that he did not get more time with loved ones, but maybe his early death is just a reminder to the rest of us that there is more than just work in our lives. Don't wait for retirement.
Take care Kobe.