The good, the bad and the Ugly during the pandemic. Lessons learned so far!
I have been in business for 38 years this month. Always have been a sales organization.
We are not a product organization. If you don't know the difference you should.
We teach selling process and techniques. Doesn't mean we don't have great products.
We do and MFG a bunch ourselves. If you don't have the skill set to get in front of the qualified buyers it really doesn't matter how great your products are. No one is seeing them let alone doing any demo's, or closing any sales.
Well the pandemic is making it necessary to change your mindset to being the Ultimate Gladiator if you aren't already.
The Ugly is that lots of professional sales people have been either furloughed or laid off.
Most won't get their old positions back. That is sad in so many ways. Very Ugly.
The Bad is so many of the companies that have furloughed or let go of their sales people are not doing well during this period of time and may not recover or have resources to do so. that certainly is very bad.
The Good is that their are not only companies that are doing well during this period of time but are thriving. They are thriving because they were pivoting quickly and had cash to do it.
Built great networks over years so that these networks came through for them during these trying times. Created new contacts to get products that were thought to be almost impossible to procure.
Also thriving because these companies had the right attitude to create different ways to get too their customers and continue to add value during these trying times. Many of these companies have even added many new accounts.
Zoom and facetime became ever more popular and will continue to be.
Social media and posting on these sites has become ever more popular and will continue to be going forward.
Our company has grown well into the double digit area and are continuing as the year proceeds on.
My take away from these times are that you must be willing more than ever before to have the old Darwin theory about survival of the fittest and put more hours in everyday to create these happenings. There is never an excuse not to be the best but let's just all think that way.
A true Gladiator always does what is necessary to succeed. Don't let people fool you into believing it is only the pandemic. How about the part of economy that has been open. New happenings have risen out of this period. It is called opportunity.
When you believe you are a champion and act like a champion then you will be a champion.
Help your company grow by being the good and being the Gladiator that never quits.
After all we have always lived in the world of Survival of the fittest!
My opinion of course!
Sharing my experience with those that are ready to get #ontheball...
4 年Andrew Brahms, thanks for being you
Chairman of the Board Thema Brain Health
4 年There is some luck here too, Andy. Think of all the "well run" businesses in the hospitality industry. The are all screwed- no fault of their own. Sometimes it's not the "survival of the fittest", just being in the wrong place at the wrong time
Chairman of the Board Thema Brain Health
4 年You stole my title lol
"I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it"
4 年That’s great! Thank you For sharing!