Good and Bad stress
Normally, most of us perceive stress as something negative, but sometimes it has some benefits for us. Getting stressed is totally normal specially during the last week before exam for students, this stress can either motivate you to work harder or sometimes you may notice that you can not even concentrate on your work. Stress can be of two types one which helps you to improve and is beneficial for you is good stress, while the one which overwhelms you or gives you anxiety is bad stress. Below are some benefits and draw backs of stress.
Benefits of stress:
Small doses of stress can be extremely beneficial as it boost up your energy and helps you concentrate more on your goals. Some researchers say stress is good for health as it fortifies your immune system as in helps improve your heart rate and protects body from infection. Stress also works as a warning signal for your body as your brain receives signal of some kind of stress it instantly reacts on it, such as saving you from a car accident.
Drawback of stress:
Too much of something is never good same goes with stress, emotional stress that stays around for a long period can cause severe damage to your immune system such as causing fatigue, depression, getting high blood pressure and in worst case heart disease.
Stress is a part of life but it is on us how we react to it and try to change it to our benefit and how to keep distance from unnecessary stress.