The Good & Bad of Chatbots (& What They Mean for Your Business)

The Good & Bad of Chatbots (& What They Mean for Your Business)

I’m sure you’ve eaten fast food while on the road: It fills you up, but it can’t compare to a home-cooked meal like your mom’s or grandma’s. Well, that’s how I feel about chatbots. Like fast food, bots serve a purpose, but they’re not a satisfying replacement for the real thing. (And they even may do some harm to your bottom line, just like that double-bacon cheeseburger.)

Keep the following in mind so you can make the healthiest choice for your business.

Good Bot, Bad Bot

With technology improving, it may feel like we’re living in a sci-fi movie where robots can handle almost everything. There are many examples of how bots can automate simple processes and complete basic tasks—even answer some customer questions via mobile messaging—helping increase productivity and save time and money. Amazon, for example, has a warehouse where robots help ensure their famed efficiency. And you’ve probably heard the buzz about Facebook Messenger and all the new bots being created to help businesses with those digital conversations.

These are all steps in the right direction: technology making our lives a little easier. The danger comes when businesses rely too much on automation, especially when communicating with consumers. Here’s why:

  • Bots have a higher rate of error – They’re machines and often can’t capture the nuance of human conversation. This can lead to feelings of frustration and inconvenience (never a good thing with today’s consumers).
  • Bots don’t put people first – They are focused on capturing data, which can be a major issue when dealing with customers whose needs may not fit the pre-scripted set of responses.
  • Bots are limited in their capabilities – At some point, humans would have to get involved in the process anyway.

Human-Powered Connections for the Win

In other words, bots aren’t empathetic. They can’t connect in a way that establishes trust with customers, especially those who need help with unique issues or are making a big decision like leasing an apartment or buying a car. No wonder 83% of consumers prefer to interact with real people to ensure good service. Human agents are able to adapt more quickly and tailor the experience to each individual for a better overall experience.

So for the foreseeable future, the secret sauce is a combo of mobile messaging, chatbots AND humansLivePerson and Contact At Once! are finding ways to help businesses use the convenience of messaging and bots while enabling human-to-human connections in every moment of need. That’s the type of service that makes you look good all the way around.


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