The Good, the bad and the....
Alex..Alejandro G.
Musician, Classical Tenor, voice teacher, lecturer, writer, healing arts, luxury and master art sales. Always seeking opportunity.
Living and working in NYC for over 25 years has shown me much...almost too much. I have seen the best, the worst and the ridiculous in people and how they do "business". Managers who have admittedly told me they have no clue as to what they are doing, how they "stumbled" into their position, the hiring of managers and supervisors because they had computer skills over better suited leaders? For the sake of company "changes" people are put into positions of authority with no ability or experience for the position to be filled. Then there are those CEO's who for stubborn pride will not make changes for the betterment of a company...on and on. In the music world I have worked with conductors who will not adapt to the natural talent of the artists, they hold their egos/ideas over the limits and strengths of a soloist. It usually ends in creative disaster and bad reviews for all. I have been involved with "supposed" speakers/lecturers who have no clue as how to communicate, they listen to themselves talk but say nothing to the audience let alone speak as a true orator. I have been part of sales teams where the manager is vacant, no ability to teach and guide the team to growth and success. Their focus was to get the first deal by any means without taking into account the second and third sale.... and the life long client relationship that can be nurtured.....I have been fortunate to have worked with some great men and women who are shining stars, they are aware, they care and "get it. I have seen great managers lead by example for the team success. I have been with great leaders who are literally on their knees setting up and cleaning up the office, leaders who take time to ask employees how they doing, what they think about the path of the company and how they think we could do the job better. Great chefs, business people and creative artists who teach, amazing conductors, stage directors and producers who take the time to teach and learn from the artist, great politicians who actually care for the people more than for money or power, these true leaders have recognized and rewarded me with memories, wisdom and knowledge that I carry on to this day in all my endeavors. All success, intelligent wealth and power must be shared honestly...all greatness must be allowed to be expressed to the masses. Real business is growth with integrity, it is honest fair trade and open to change for the better, for abundance and freedom for all. I have seen it all...maybe too much.