Good always wins over evil

Good always wins over evil

Principle of Causality is one of the most pervasive law of this universe as we logically understand. Working upon this principle, the existence of an Original Cause is proven. If we analyze the attributes of this Original Cause, it is guaranteed that Justice is an inherent attribute of Creator. And hence, anything that occurs would meet justice at the end. Good and evil are products of self awareness and higher-level capacity for thought and decision making.

Like a snake isn't being evil when it eats it's dinner. A human may be doing evil when he eats his dinner, depending on the source. This self-awareness creates a duality (aka "I" am separate from the rest of the world) and the ability to process concepts such as empathy and fairness , as well as greed and hate, is precluded by the notion that we humans at this level of consciousness have a choice to make. This is another duality. In this context, the fight between good and evil is a very human concern. "Evil" isn't winning per se, but some humans who have the capacity to chose to do evil instead of good might win at certain times.

As a human, you can choose to do good instead of evil. You may have to get creative with it. If evil seems like the only solution, keep thinking, planning and plotting for a solution that resonates with you as "good." Even then, "good" is subjective to you. Many a war has been waged in the name of "good." In my opinion, if you are kind, respectful of the plants and animals on this planet with us, and don't become consumed with greed or hate... You are probably "good" and on the winning team. For many people to answer if good really wins over evil is rather strange to react, because notions like "good" and "evil" are culturally-mediated -- that is, there's no universal definition of these words.

Even the idea of "win" is a cultural construct. I think that many philosophers would say that this question really doesn't have much meaning because, aside from the fact above, "good" and "evil" do not really exist in any quantifiable sense. Good and evil are transient human concepts and there is no guarantee that all those who have done bad will suffer due to universal powers it is us as humans who have to ensure that good wins over the bad.

These days we consider racism and slavery as bad, shun any person who does it and any person who treats human beings like an animal is sent to jail. Few centuries back most people in US had slaves and most people lived a normal life. Did all of them who owned and treated slaves like animals suffer? Probably not, till the freedom for slaves were achieved, most of them lived their lives and died. It is up to us as humans to make sure that justice happens, this is good because it gives us a greater sense of purpose and increases our responsibility towards making sure the right thing happens.

Good always wins, but not because the winner’s always good. In other words, whoever wins, despite whether they have the better morals or not, has the power to make it seem like they are the good guys. Since the winner writes history, the winner is always portrayed as the “good guy.” Logically, this means that evil could win but in doing so, they would no longer be evil but would make themselves good. Let’s say you are a Holocaust victim, later a survivor. During the half-decade of imprisonment, was good winning over evil?

Or, you say that the Nazis were defeated, so good won out. But what if that survivor a year after release was a murder victim? How has good won? Or, let’s say he has a shop and was robbed and his wife killed. Has good won? Depending on how much time passes seems to play a role in whether one declares a winner in the good vs. evil contest - and I’m charitably assuming that we even know what these two words mean! Nature does not care about justice, injustice,good,evil,sin,bad, prayers etc. These are just man made words devised to run the society in a proper way. Good does not always win over evil and same is the case for evil. Most humans spend their lives trying to make a poor situation better. If and when they succeed in one small instant of the universe, then they take a second to congratulate themselves before they pick up the next work order and start over again.

Good is an Ideal. "I do my best" does not mean that I do "good",, only that I do not stop trying to do better until time runs out. If I fail to continue to try and better my accomplishment I have stopped at the mediocre "good enough", and what good is that, really? Justice happens most of the time but not always. Good always seems winning but never completely wins. This world is a balance between good and evil, if one wins then the balance will be disturbed. It looks that one is winning. It gives us hope for keep fighting. Cheers!

Excellent read. Though people try to make good subjective to justify their wrongdoings yet the fact remains that causing single harm to any living being cannot be considered good. Thank you for sharing this beautiful article Sir Kishore Shintre

Milind Kher

CEO at HQ, Emotional Intelligence Specialist, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach

2 年

Kishore Shintre, we have to strive to make good win!! ?? ??


