Today, an article in 3 parts:

? Our why or rather our goal, in the context of May 20, 2024.

? Centralized decentralization to achieve and maintain a Natural, Just and Solidarity governance structure.

? Sharing rules for the Great Feast.




It is not for me to judge your level of Charity. There are things that can be seen and others that many people still ignore.

On this Holy Day of Pentecost, I wish you the illumination of the Spirit who guides our steps.


I am also aware that the fear of lack is what binds us in the darkest moments.

It manifests itself in various ways:

? Fear of running out of money in your account.

? Fear of lacking food and water.

? Fear of being attacked.

? Fear of appearing like an imbecile.


The first 3 fears are related to material security.

Ultimately, we are little compared to the elements that can be unleashed in certain places on the planet.


Even the French actor, director, (…) and producer Jean Yanne could not do anything to protect his family and his descendants after his death. de-lacteur-757462


It is therefore urgent to build a society that ensures equity so that every child is protected and succeeds to their best potential.


The fourth fear is linked to narcissistic injury.

The French education system is particularly difficult with its children. There is not even one of us who has not had to struggle very hard to get where we have arrived.

Not having been accustomed to the easy way, we seem to continue to do everything while struggling.


It's much easier with encouragement, right!?


This is true for every subgroup of our populations: Muslims, Jews, homosexuals, women, children... And now we see even white men feeling rejected!


One of the greatest human sufferings is the non-acceptance and non-recognition of Who We Are.
Let us accept once and for all that we represent Unity, with all its uniqueness! Let everyone represent themselves!!!


There is no point in holding elections if no one votes for an institution that does not represent them. By representing ourselves, we can build the New World according to the following governance structure.




We have already mentioned harmony and its concentric circles (Article “Harmony or Democracy. Better to choose!”)


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Which can coordinate as follows:

?To organize our society as best as possible, and to avoid as much madness as possible in our population, it is important to build connections. The structure of the spider's web seems to me the most appropriate for schematizing this notion.

This can equally represent:

? A construction that allows you to expand and evolve without the nodes being ever too far from either the centre or the side nodes.

? An urban transport system around a megacity, which would thus limit traffic jams and exhaust gases.

? Natural, Just and Solidarity governance such as we can put in place.


This structure is one of the only ones to meet three resilience criteria:

? Access to a local manager based on their area of expertise.

This is the concept developed by Ludovic Girodon in his book “Dream Team”. See Edgar Grospiron's post:



? The mesh can adapt without being perfectly reproduced identically; the structure is much more stable over time. It is quite like the brick walls of South America which were copied from the shape of corn.

? In such a system, each being both unique and replaceable; everyone knows how to find the support they need when they need it.


This gives much greater peace of mind. Humility is the key.


We are all fallible, but that’s OK! We are progressing.




Let's start this new chapter of our life with confidence!

? That the wealth of our knowledge grows with age. As an elderly person is much richer in experience than another, it is important to listen to them and value them. We all have the right to a comfortable retirement past an age that we will establish together.

? That everyone does their best whatever their difficulties. We all progress a little every day when we are given the opportunity to act, progress, and learn. This is as true for a disabled person, a child, as it is for an adult.

? That each direct investment in humans is more profitable than in perishable foodstuffs, which end up in compost, with no possible recovery.


Why should we worry about lacking anything since we are all working in the same direction?

? Men want good in their homes.

? Women want connections in their community.

? Since we want harmony, we just need to value those who best know how to combine our two natural inclinations:


“Add, and you multiply.” Subtract, and you divide. ?


No one can lie anymore. By being placed on the same level of humanity, there is no longer any point in lying. In any case, we have learned to better spot liars, and their level of lying on our side.


From now on, we want an economy based on sharing energy, therefore on feminine energy.


To the Feast, all our brothers and sisters are invited, and in priority the most deprived:


The lion's share necessarily goes to a lion.

Cameroon, whose National Day it is today, has the particularity of being part of the Commonwealth, of the Francophonie, and of welcoming the 3 monotheistic religions.

Its Young Leader at McKinsey, Acha Leke, has built a formidable network and can help coordinate and distribute all the necessary help:


The case of New Caledonia, an example for land law.

What disturbs the Kanaks, beyond the 40,000 more registered on their electoral lists, is based on our past relations.

In fact, Jacques Chirac had authorized nuclear tests there, and the consequences were disastrous. It seems to me that the unease faced with the arrival of a surplus of metropolitan residents on the electoral lists would come from there.

In Oceania, it is common to have access to “soil rights”, only for those who were born there.


The most judicious is to provide access to governance:

? Gradually as the individual becomes trustworthy. This is independent of age.

? Differentiated according to the subject on which the concerted decision relates.


With the management proposed by Ludovic Girodon, access for newcomers to sensitive environmental decisions would become “a protected right” for Kanak descendants.


Women and children

Many associations have emerged to clean up our institutions.


At the international level, recent history has mentioned Iran, with the death of its leader. It is important that all populations respect the rights of women and children.

Only a True Muslim knows that one comes to Islam gradually. Those who act badly towards women and children are far from acting like Muslims.


Furthermore, it seems to me that we are moving forward to preserve the lives of children on the work lines.


Elderly and disabled people

The day is ready for it! This public holiday has been transformed since 2005 into “Day of solidarity towards the elderly and disabled”.


Since everyone is a human being, it is essential to recognize everyone's right to know what is right for them.


Whether for:

? Needs for essential equipment (chairs for the disabled);

? Places in shared residences where residents are treated without asking them the type of food they wish to receive (entirely mixed instead of varied);

? Support places for all types of Dys, and HPI or TDA;


It is urgent to ask everyone what they think is good for themselves and to take it into consideration.


Concern about obesity and addictions in general

We have all the treatments to help overcome obesity and many addictions.


You still need to have access to it. These treatments are not necessarily expensive, but they require more than just willpower.


It is therefore important to support these changes in the lives of all those who wish them.


The tribes of Israel

Thank you for organizing such a system change.

It had become urgent! Really, thank you!

I am sure that you are doing your best for a Fair distribution.


If you wish, we can organize international meetings to evaluate the progress of each group and give each other ideas.

I would like to make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. This would be an opportunity to meet.


Here, we still must set up local consultations to determine the qualities of each person and their community needs.

On Saturday I will detail the community project that I see on a global scale.


I have just learned that Jean-Claude Gaudin, the one who embodied the breath of Marseillaise Life, has left us.

Life is very short not to try to shine to its fullest extent, don't you think?


Thank you for reading.


A very nice week everyone,

Nathalie Croz


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