Gone Are The Days When...
Gone Are The Days When...
There was a time when medical professionals thought first about their patients.
Doc Burns and I were waiting in line for dinner at the weekly Kiwanis Club meeting.
“Wes, you’ve got nervous air hunger. You’re having trouble getting a satisfying deep breath. You’ve got to come to my office after this meeting.”
I was having trouble. I was 27; hadn’t learned yet fully to delegate. We went to his office. He checked me out; gave me brown liquid to take twice a day and a sincere tongue lashing,
“You tend to do everything like a person killing poisonous snakes. You have to stop.”
He was correct. I learned. Now I’m 90 and take life easier.
He did not send a bill for time or medication. He cared! Just like Dr. Hawkins and four other wonderful doctors in my life. Yet all of them lived very well and happily.
Last week I was sent to a specialist to learn if I have prostate cancer. I filled in a six-page questionnaire before going. The first three questions were for the purpose of ensuring he would be paid for seeing me. I signed them in several places. The last three questions were about my medical history, etc.
The appointment lasted fifteen minutes after 1 ? hours sitting in his waiting room. I was on time for the appointment.
“You don’t have any cancer. Your blood pressure is amazing. Let’s get together for checkup in twelve months.”
Two days ago, his office called to change the checkup to six months from now. My immediate thought was “he’s doing this for money”.
My wife’s immediate thought was “he’s doing it for money”.
Considering the before visit questionnaire this thought is no surprise.
It is also, tragic.
Gone are the days when people cared about someone else.
Nuff Said !!!
Wes Zimmerman
Leader in the production of Reconfigureyourlife.com
Starting over. Staying together happily
Email: [email protected]
(480) 628-2450
?Wesley W. Zimmerman 5/28/2017