Prophet Adrian Ddungu wwwsupernaturalkingdomministriesorg
The Christian life is full of giants, and there are strongholds and walled cities everywhere you look. This is what the battle of faith is all about. Don’t let the giants in your life scare you and cause you to run away. People who want to take the easy route don’t enter in.
Understand that...Your problems are not there to keep you down, but instead are there to keep you out of that place where you have absolute confidence in Jesus.
Faith is a daring, reckless abandon to the absolute, ultimate power of Jesus Christ to keep you and sustain you in this present age. It brings you to a place where you’re resting in His faithfulness, and you’ll have no doubt that God’s eternal purpose for your life will be fulfilled.
We all have dreams, desires, and visions to take us beyond where we’re at now, but those dreams don’t come to pass immediately.
The desire to quit will be one of the major temptations the enemy will bring against you but God says to enter in to your promised land. Press on and never give up! Trust Jesus and be determined to press through to the end.