Golf's War On Movements

Golf's War On Movements

Do you struggle …

  • With not being ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM) dominant With being ‘Upper Body Machine’ (UBM) dominant (see ‘Arms Over Legs’)
  • With poor and inconsistent contact and inefficient ‘Energy Transfer’With unstable ‘Compression and Line Of Compression’
  • With deep or shallow divots, in front and behind the ball
  • With unstable overswinging (bigger is not more beautiful)
  • With being over the top (above Plane and Outside-In)
  • With clubface control at impact, (unavoidable deadly trending)
  • With inconsistent ball flight ‘Distance & Direction’
  • With a faulty Take-Away (see ‘Outside, Square or Inside Path’)
  • With Wide Narrow Wide (see ‘Lack of Lever Extensor Action’)
  • With flip-handed scooping through impact and separation (see ‘Throw-Away’)

Once you know that all these are somewhat interrelated, the way you can make everything quickly much simpler and efficient is to ‘Master Golf Basics’. In ‘555 Golf parlance that is ‘MGB’. We get to this threshold by understanding and applying ‘The 5 Set-Ups’ (Posture, Grip, Stance. Ball Location & Alignment) as well as it’s sister ingredients ‘The 5 Essential Elements’ (Clubface Aim, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack or AoA)

There is no ‘Magic Elixir or Potion’. There are really ‘No Short Cuts’ that circumvent ‘Knowledge and some good old hard work. You can make prompt and pivotal change in your swing as soon as you ‘Conceptualize, Intellectualize and Actualize’! Systemization is not an option! One must get the ‘Big Mental Picture’ before one can paint it on the ‘Big 150 Acre Canvas’! Remember, there are very few short cuts and some poorly chosen are frustrating ‘Long Cuts’ … patience testers!

May I remind you of a ‘Primal Core Concept’? The ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM – Pivot Core) produces all the Horizontal Motion … all the Round & Round. The ‘Upper Body Machine’ (UBM – Lever Assemblies) create all the ‘Vertical Motion … all the Up & Down.

Two more gut check rules? “If your hands are in motion, your Captain Eyes are not!” ‘If your hands are in motion, you must be ‘Breathing Out’!

----- The 555 Golf Academy provides world-class training that has been proven to provide immediate, dramatic, and lasting results. Learn more at 555golf.


Dr. Karl Fischer ... Passionate About People的更多文章

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