Easy Homemade Projects #34
Matthew L.Johnson
Category & Account management | Heating, Pharmaceuticals, Health & Beauty and Hobbies | Retail, Merchants and Distribution
Golf Ladders
What you need
A broom, a mop, rope 50cm in length * 6 (nylon preferably), 4 tennis/ golf balls, skewer/ drill and 2 garden chairs
Step 1. Using your skewer pierce a hole through the top and bottom of your tennis balls and thread your rope loop back up and tie to the top of the ball on the rope (so the ball is secure). Thread the loose end of the rope through other tennis ball out the end and loop back up and tie to the top. If you have golf ball you will need to drill through and tie a knot at the top and bottom to secure your ball.
Step 2. Repeat this for the other 2 ball with your rope.
Step 3. To reduce the spend I would suggest you get 2 garden chairs. stand them side by side 30 cm apart. Place your brush or mop on top of the chairs and secure in place with rope to either chair.
Step 4. Place the second mop or broom onto the seat and again secure in place with the rope.
You are no ready to play spin ladder!
The idea is to throw your ball at the horizontal broom and mop and for the ball to wrap around and hold in place. Its up to you what each one is worth, how far away you stand, but thanks to a friend I changed my idea today to a really cool garden game (so thank you to them).
How the real sets look...
Or I found a really great looking homemade one