As each year goes by we see more and more golf ‘analysts’ and commentators speak about the dilemma the golf industry faces and how golf is losing ground to other sports.
Do you think golf is on the slippery slope and do we in the industry need to come up with new and innovative ways to bolster and build golf or do we really just need to ‘tinker’ with a few things to bring back the glory days???
One of the so called ‘contentious’ areas is ‘THE DRESS CODE’…… is it really necessary to keep it just the way it is or are there other ways of approaching it???
Todays ‘Dress Code”
I was speaking to a few younger guys, all who ranged from about 18 to 25 years of age and the question of sport came up and who played what. Being the ‘elder’ in the conversation the youngsters gave me the chance to bat first…….. with a few well asked remarks of ‘What sport do you play…….. bowls among a few others???”
I just laughed and told them I played a sport that they would never even try because they as the younger set where too afraid to try it just in case they could not cut it…… then stood back while they all threw suggestions of which sport it could be. In the end I just said – GOLF and waited for the responses.
Most of them said nothing but one young man (about 18) said he had tried it out and it was ‘pretty cool’ but that it was too stuffy. I thought I knew what he was talking about but asked what he meant by stuffy and in true millennial style came back with ‘You dudes get pretty stuck up about what people wear man – I mean, like the clubs and things cost a major amount, the club fees or whatever also like cost a bomb, then you tell me I have got to get myself a whole new set of kit to come play……. You guys think I’m Bill Gates or what???’ and then all the others got involved.
After a whole lot of ‘discussion’ as to the pros and cons of golf, the dress code and just the game itself plus a whole lot about their different sports I asked them – ‘Hey guys, we all have agreed that all sports gear cost a bit for different sports and there a ‘fees’ that need to be paid – what one thing would you lose for you to come and play golf?’
From all of them it came down to ‘the dress code’.
Two of the guys had pretty good looking jeans on and looked neat and tidy so my next question was ‘So you think we should allow jeans like you two guys are wearing but agree no tattered or ripped jeans and maybe a decent polo T-Shirt but definitely golf shoes…….. cool ones that look like trainers……. Would that do?’ All unanimously agreed that would change their attitude to giving golf a go but wanted to know why the bias against denim? ……… on that point I could not argue with them.
Smart Denim
As against -
Smart Chinos
Although I sort of like my dress code…….. I could see where they were coming from and after some thought realized that what they had suggested did not seem too far of a stretch to maybe increasing the number of younger ones (millennials) coming to join golf clubs or playing our sport……… makes one think, doesn’t it.
As a golfer, golf club manager or someone that has a say on the above - really look at these two photos and tell us in the comments why one is better than the other. Was a decision made many many years back where denim was considered 'work clothes' and as such was not acceptable because I can guarantee you, you have not looked at the prices of denim lately.
One of the guys brought up something else that sort of fitted the argument about what was acceptable as the correct pants and for that matter cropped polo tops – these two photos also made me think about that question.
Two different looks on the left - collared and buttoned and a cropped polo top right...!!!
So as one of the golfing dilemmas – do we as the golf industry need to ‘tinker’ with the ‘accepted’ dress code and make plans to include these ‘other’ ways of dress (not too radical though) or do we just allow other sports to flourish at golf’s expense???
One last photo to illustrate my point - one of my favourite ‘stars’ and funny guys – Mr Bill Murray………. seriously Bill - and this is more acceptable than smart denim???
Only the golf industry as a whole can answer that question or is it??? With whom does the answer lie and do we the golfers of the world need to push the right buttons for a change???
As always one of 'those' discussions where I don't think we are going to ever reach a consensus....... are we???