Michael A (Mike) Kahn
65-Years of Experience in Golf and the Golf Course Industry in North America
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing. I mean, when the neighborhood golf course fails and grows in, EVERY STAKEHOLDER LOSES! Why is it so difficult for the affected parties to address the problem with a mutual interest?”?Mike Kahn
BTW: Feel free to write anytime, Mike Kahn:
The scenario accounted for here is an actual event. Names and locations have been changed for this example - for obvious reasons.?Here’s a 500+ unit residential subdivision that stands to lose up to $75 million in gross property values if their neighborhood golf course closes.
In this case, the mission of Bill McIntosh, Michael Kahn, and Cameron White, Golf Consultants with over 150-years of combined experience in golf, was to provide guidance in a conflict. It was between XYZ Golf Club and its Homeowners Association (HOA). The dilemma came to our attention after the owner of the XYZ Golf Club Golf Course more or less demanded the HOA participate more in the golf course.
Apparently, the golf course owner was complaining about XYZ's cash flow losses - blaming it on lack of support from his neighborhood residents. The golf course owner was actually asking the HOA to provide him with funding to cover his losses.
One problem, especially in Florida, and Texas is an infestation of golf courses by wild hogs. Feral hogs are prolific breeders. They are foragers digging for grubs everywhere. When golf courses grow in, the higher grasses and weeds hide creatures like rats, snakes, and wild hogs, and coyotes.
The overall issue at XYZ Golf Club faced by the neighborhood is the possibility of a complete failure of the golf course. Complete failure of the golf course could result in catastrophic losses in the development’s residential property values. Evidence around the USA has become abundantly clear that residential property values can drop from 20% to 30% (according to the above chart) when the centerpiece of the community, the golf course, closes and grows in. Not only losses in property values but increases in neighborhood crime, overgrown fairways become fire hazards, and will be overrun with varmints like rats, snakes, skunks, wild hogs, and coyotes making life in the community in some cases almost unbearable.
Therefore, it is the experience of Consultants that the HOA and the golf course owner should have a ‘meeting of the minds’ based on mutual interest. The goal should be to preserve the integrity of the neighborhood in perpetuity, which means the golf course should exist in good health forever.
The problem Consultants encountered at XYZ Golf Club was a reluctance by the golf course owner to allow an independent analysis of the operation of the golf course. In the experience of Consultants, Kahn, White, and McIntosh, each having owned and/or managed golf courses in the USA, and Canada that the HOA deserves to understand the issues the golf course is facing if they’re being asked to make a commitment to save it.
If the homeowners can figure out a way to own the golf course they'll have 100% control of its future. Although in some cases acquiring the golf course by the HOA (or POA) may be financially impossible, it sure needs a try. There need to be a sufficient number of homes (residences) in the community to make each member's contribution reasonably feasible.
We won't get into all the details here, but safe to say, the number of units, residential values, and the acquisition price to buy the golf course will be a critical set of numbers. However, then the community becomes responsible for operating the golf course. To operate the golf course it could all be done in-house, or possibly hiring a competent management company to run it. However, the community will still need to establish a separate board that overseas or operates the golf course.
There are examples of HOA-owned golf courses out there. Some are well organized and survived all of golf's ups and downs over the years.
On an evening in June (2019), Consultants had a conference conversation with an HOA board member. This HOA board member was also an XYZ Golf Club HOA board member (oops!), also a golf club member, and on top of that, the club's professional golf instructor.
Our conversation with The board member (Board Member), a qualified PGA teacher, went on for an hour and 22-minutes. In the conversation, we were trying to get the most up-to-date information we could before our visit to the development and XYZ golf course. The HOA Board Member we spoke to on this occasion had intimate knowledge of the XYZ Golf Club golf course, its history, current business atmosphere, etc. The interview was highly useful for us in our research. Some of what we learned quickly identified critical issues (we knew) needed to be addressed.
During our conversation, the Board Member indicated that the fourth nine holes were designed to be very difficult -intentionally. In fact, it was so difficult that nobody wanted to play it. Using Google Earth we saw that the fourth nine was located at a great distance from the clubhouse and far from the maintenance facility, “I took Fifteen minutes just to get to it from maintenance!” We also learned that the fourth nine-hole course was in generally poor condition.
Further. The Board Member indicated that the original 18-hole XYZ Golf Club golf course was very successful - hosting many outings and tournaments. Based on all that play, the clubhouse restaurant has also been substantially lucrative. Overall, the Board Member, made it clear (to Kahn and McIntosh) that the original 18-hole XYZ Golf Club golf course had been quite prosperous. The Board Member indicated that the clubhouse manager, the owner’s wife, was described as a very sincere and hard worker. Apparently, she was present in the clubhouse at all hours.
The Board Member further indicated that several members of the owner’s family were employed by the golf club. On top of that, other family members were involved in constructing the houses in the XYZ Golf Club development.
The Board Member indicated that the owner was well connected with the City, and was the principal in another proposed major development in the City. However, the board member hinted that at the moment the Golf Course Owner might be strapped for cash. That fact may be why he is appealing to the HOA for ‘participation’ money. Apparently, he was hoping to raise up to $300,000 (the amount indicated here was indicated to Kahn and Mcintosh in a separate conversation with another board member).
The HOA Board Member discussed some of the competing golf courses in the area and also mentioned that two other golf courses are owned by the XYZ golf course owner. The Board Member indicated its accounting experience suggesting that the other golf courses owned by the owner are profitable. The XYZ owner had already confirmed to consultant, Mike Kahn, in an earlier brief phone conversation that his two other golf courses were profitable.
In the experience of Kahn, McIntosh, and White, it is not uncommon for golf courses located near each other and owned by the same entity to have an improved economy. They'd be able to share equipment, staffing, supplies, and volume discounts. According to the Board Member, the three golf courses owned by the same owner were managed by a single general manager from an office at XYZ Golf Club.
We indicated in a preliminary report that it was only our initial opinion at the early stage in our investigation. The subject being that XYZ Golf Club golf course was appealing for (participation) money from the HOA.
We initially suspected that the HOA may be being approached by the XYZ Golf Club owner for funding for what might be a poorly planned and poorly managed golf course business. In fairness to the owner, he is not an experienced golf course person and likely did not fully appreciate what he bought when he acquired XYZ Golf Club. The first problem in the eyes of the consultants is that the golf course consisted of four nine-hole tracks, the fourth nine holes being the course known as the ‘Tough’ nine - the HOA Board Member indicated in our conversation. It was described as being designed intentionally to be especially difficult. “It was so difficult that nobody would play it.”
Based on what the White, McIntosh, and Kahn team have learned to date, and based on the consultants 150+ years of experience on what it costs to run and maintain golf courses, a good portion of the XYZ Golf Club financial losses may be the result of having to maintain 36-holes when 18, is all that is needed in its marketplace. For instance, if the overall golf course maintenance budget for 36-holes is, say, one million dollars, it means each nine holes cost $1/4 million (average) to maintain. Therefore, abandoning the Tough nine holes altogether should easily find $250,000 of the $300,000 losses the Owner indicates he is suffering. Our question is, “Why should the neighbors be asked (or bullied) into coughing up cash to maintain a nine-hole golf course that was (likely) a mistake, to begin with. According to the financial records, it is of no positive financial consequence to XYZ, in fact, it is a negative impact to the business?”
The above picture illustrates a failing golf course and how it implodes.
In a residential development where the golf course is the centerpiece, it's the homeowners who suffer the largest losses. The golf course is an integral part of the neighborhood, yet the people with the largest stake in the golf course have absolutely no say whatsoever in its management or future.
It is the experience of Kahn, White, and McIntosh that the remaining $50,000 in annual losses indicated by the Owner ($300,000 is the overall losses number Mike and Bill had learned) that can often be found by the consultants in many ways.
However, our work on the XYZ project was abruptly stopped.
Kahn and McIntosh were contacted on the way to the airport for their flight to the subject city. They were told not to come. They were told they would not be allowed by the owner to conduct a proper analysis of the XYZ Golf Club. In fact, The Owner has made it quite clear that he does not want any consultants at XYZ Golf Club. His refusal to be candid (transparent) about how the business is managed raised a 'red flag' in the experienced opinion of Kahn and McIntosh.
Without an analysis of XYZ Golf Club, the lack of transparency means there will be no internal information provided to the HOA supporting the golf course owner's cash demands to his neighbors. Without it, the residents could not independently analyze the material. Without it, they could not make a decision on whether to support the Owner’s demands or not. Without an analysis conducted by Kahn and McIntosh (or some such experts), it is the opinion of Consultants that the HOA should refuse to negotiate at all. Without openness from XYZ Golf Club’s owner, it meant a lopsided meeting. Therefore, for the HOA, no meeting should take place.
The owner must realize that to gain participation from the community he is actually asking them to form a continuing partnership. It's between him and the HOA. In order for any partnership to function properly, both parties must be open and straightforward. The Owner’s unwillingness to share his operational data is problematic. Granted he is a private business, however, he is asking an outside entity, the nearby residents, to contribute hundreds of thousands to his business without offering full transparency.
The general analysis of the Golf Course Owner VS the HOA dilemma centers around a trust factor. Trust, because the golf course owner refuses to show full details of his business to make his case. Keep in mind, up to 90% of people living in a golf course neighborhood don’t play golf. The non-golfer group, understandably, would oppose contributing in any way to the golf course - at least without something in return.
Consultants, Kahn and McIntosh, in their judgment, the ownership of the golf course must be prepared to spread all the details clearly on the table so that all the stakeholders can understand what is at risk. Then, without an expert independent analysis of the golf course, it's impossible for the stakeholders to make an informed decision.
1 – Residential Property Owners
2 – Banks that Hold Mortgages on Residential Properties in the Development
3 – The Municipality
4 – The Golf Course Ownership
5 – To a lesser degree – Employees, Services, Suppliers (ESS Group) to the Golf Course
1 – Residential Property Value Tied to Fortunes of the Golf Course
PROPERTY VALUE IS AT STAKE. When a residential neighborhood golf course fails, five stakeholders suffer losses. At the top of the list is the homeowner because they’ll experience an immediate loss in the value of their property from 20% to as high as 40%. For some homeowners, even a 20% loss in property value can put them in an upside-down position with their mortgage and subject to foreclosure.
2 – Banks (Mortgages) as Property Values Fall Sufficient to Trigger Foreclosure
The next big losers will be the banks that hold all the residential property mortgages. Losses in property values will trigger many mortgaged homes into foreclosure – according to the fine print. If the bank repossesses a home, it often takes a hit from the face value of the mortgage because they are often forced to dispose of the property for whatever they can get.
3 – Municipality (Taxes); Lower Property Values Mean Lower Taxes
The local tax assessor will need to reassess residential properties downward to reflect their current market value. In the XYZ VS HOA case there are 500 homes in the development, so if 500 X half-million-dollar homes drop 30% (average) in value due to the closing of the golf course the collective reduction in assessed value can be as high as $75 million. The result is reduced tax revenue for the municipality, as much as 30%, which puts a strain on local government services. A quick calculation (although not substantiated) indicates the municipality might lose over $1 million a year in real estate tax revenue after the golf course fails.
4 – Golf Course Ownership (The Investor in the Golf Course)
Golf courses created since 1990 cost anywhere from $4 million to as high as $12 million to create depending on several factors (of course). Regardless, the golf course owner stands to lose up to 100% of the original investment to own the golf course. Remember. Most golf courses permitted since 1990 gave up all other land rights in the permitting process, so the golf course lands have virtually no redeeming value to the owner. For the owner to walk away, the loss will be whatever the owner originally invested into the property – likely in the millions.
Of course, if bank money is involved in the golf course, then the bank will also take a hit. I watched a Michigan Bank lose many millions.
5 – Employees, Services, Suppliers (ESS Group)
Golf courses may employ anywhere from twenty to more than fifty persons full or part-time. Golf courses are quite diverse contributors to local economies. They employ a PGA professional, clerks in the pro shop, cooks and chefs in the kitchen, and servers and bussers in the dining room. Then there's the maintenance of the golf course including up to eighteen employees mowing and trimming the grounds. Golf courses also hire part-time employees like starters, rangers, and range ball pickers,
Anyone who has handled golf course accounts payable will be paying sometimes over 100 different suppliers and services. Accounts include sources for fertilizer companies to cooking oil in the kitchen. Then there are services like pest control, pond maintenance, security, accounting, insurers, and point-of-sale providers.
A golf course accounts payable list may include over 100 suppliers and services.
Unfortunately, the ESS group cannot become materially involved in the solution process because they won’t be invited to participate in the planning activity. However, if a business with over $2 million in annual sales closes, the ESS people will be either be out of work or will no longer provide their services or supplies to the business when the course closes.
Once the stakeholders realize they share a mutual interest in the plight of the golf course they will (should) find themselves (somewhat) and the course ownership on the same page. Once they learn they are, they can be better prepared to form a beneficial relationship. If they collaborate together, they are more likely to come up with a plan to solidify the future of the neighborhood.
The work of consultants, Mike Kahn, Bill McIntosh, and Cameron White, is to act as the knowledgeable liaison, arbitrator, adviser between the stakeholders to help them come up with a mutually beneficial plan. The Consultants' advice aims for a plan that assures the golf course's permanent future and the neighborhood's permanent stability.
In the experience of the Consultants, if there’s enough neighborhood ‘critical mass’ to sustain the golf course permanently, then it can be accomplished and all will benefit.
Consultant, Mike Kahn, has been fielding calls and inquiries from concerned residential property owners from all around the USA. What is puzzling to Kahn is the lack of cooperation between the stakeholders when, in fact, they share similar goals (or fates). Instead, the HOA and the golf course owner seem to prefer becoming belligerent. Meanwhile, during all this, the bankers simply bury their heads in the sand. The municipality (and its politicians) don’t want to talk about it. Meanwhile, the golf course owner has two options; Either, 'A' beg or 'B' threaten the HOA to support the golf course. The ESS group - the employees, services, and suppliers - can only watch helplessly and hope.
Consultant, Mike Kahn, believes XYZ Golf Club, in the face of catastrophic losses in property value by the homeowners, due to the demise of the golf course, can easily right the situation with very little effort. It needs to start with a spirit of cooperation rather than adversarially. If everyone loses when the golf course closes, then why isn’t everyone at least cooperating to find a solution?
The consultants, Kahn, White, and McIntosh are not threats to the golf course. They are among the most experienced golf course business experts in the world. Their mission is to see the golf course owner survive and prosper. Of course, when the golf course prospers, the neighborhood remains healthy and everybody prospers. Then the Bankers, the Municipality, the Homeowner, and the Golf Course Owner – are happy and healthy. The stakeholders got together and solidified their golf course neighborhood. They shored up their property values and relaxed their residential lives.
QUESTION: Then why the hell does this message fall on so many deaf ears?
If the solution is put together properly, with the experienced advice of consultants like Kahn, White, and McIntosh, the golf course, neighborhood, and all stakeholders can rest easy for the next fifty years!
XYZ Golf Club will (could) set an example – one way or another. The neighborhood can either fail, or it can permanently prosper. Up to $75 million in property values are at stake.
Imagine never worrying about the golf course again.
I suppose we’ll see (Mike).
We have more or less assumed that the ‘Tough’ nine holes in the above scenario located at the north side of the property can be eliminated. It will save the golf course operational expenses at least $200,000 a year – more likely up to $250,000. The savings alone by closing the redundant nine holes would at least put XYZ Golf Club pretty at a break-even point.
Consultants believe the homeowners could (reasonably) support the golf course owner if the owner closes the Tough nine holes so he can develop whatever portion of the land he can. Our view of the Tough nine on Google Earth indicates that none of the 500 existing XYZ Golf Club residences will lose their current views if the north side of the property is developed.
Consultants also suggest the creation of a social membership to the golf course applied to every XYZ Golf Club property at a rate of somewhere from $1.00 to $2.00 per day per household, which will add – $182,500 to $365,000 – in net revenue annually to the golf course.
But the residents need to get something in return for their social membership commitment (or any commitment).
In return for the social membership to XYZ Golf Club, homeowners and their house guests will (should) have special clubhouse privileges and access to any to-be-added community amenities: fitness room, swimming pool, and (Har-Tru clay) tennis courts (more suitable for seniors). The added amenities will provide the homeowners paying $1.00 to $2.00 a day with a true benefit for the fee. They would only pay to play the golf course and hit balls on the practice range, and possibly court fees for tennis. Special residential rate golf memberships will also be available to residents of the golf course community.
The additional facilities added to the golf club – swimming, fitness room, tennis- will cost from $1 million to $1.5 million. However, the added amenities become the reward to the homeowners for becoming social members and who agreed not to oppose the owner’s development of the repurposed (closed) Tough nine-hole golf course lands.
Remember, social club members are more likely to use the clubhouse restaurant, and many are more likely to give the golf course a try, and possibly become golf members. Greater participation can also mean more spending at the golf club by the development's residents.
Once all the above is accomplished, and in place, XYZ Golf Club would become a stable neighborhood forever. Instead of home values dropping, home values in a permanently secured neighborhood will increase in value.
There is so much to be gained by cooperating rather than fighting. With home values in the neighborhood ranging from $500,000 to over $1,000,000, a daily fee of only $1.00 to $2.00 per residential property becomes a low-cost insurance policy protecting against catastrophic losses in property values if the golf course were to fail and close.
“If a resident owning a $500,000 home cannot afford $1.00 to $2.00 a day for a social membership they cannot afford to live in the neighborhood anyway!”?Mike Kahn
There’s a lot more cooperation needed in detail, which may include changes to the neighborhood CC&R documents. There will need to be an oversight board of some sort made up of residents and the golf course ownership.
Consultants, Kahn, McIntosh, and White, have the experience and skills to help develop a comprehensive plan. A plan that all stakeholders can happily adopt. There are examples of golf course neighborhoods that were properly organized from day-1 (‘bundled communities’). These are communities that flourished even during the real estate crunch of 2008. Under the resident's direct connection and contributing relationship with the golf course, the future of the golf course and the neighborhood's integrity were never in doubt.
Consultants White, Kahn, and McIntosh are an opportunity to help solve dilemmas like the XYZ Golf Club VS the HOA?– and anywhere in the USA and Canada.
To get started, send an email message to Mike Kahn, President of Golfmak, Inc., Email address:
3 年Great article Mike, I enjoyed reading it....