Mark Bradford
Company Owner at MB Golf | MB Marketing | MB Education Marketing Specialist (Marketing & Business Development Professional)
If you are a #golfclub with a milestone #anniversary coming up, then why not document the #HistoryofyourGolfClub with a Hard-backed #caseboundbook similar to this ‘History of St Bartholomew’s School’ book we produced?
We can take all the content you supply, then design, artwork & print a beautiful book for you to sell to members in your anniversary year.
We can include old & current photographs, illustrations & text documenting your club from its origins & founders to the modern day operation, analysing the philosophies of the course’s creators up to how it looks now though all the changes made to it.
This will be a wonderful keepsake to all that care for their club.
For more info & guide costs please contact Mark Bradford Founder of MB GOLF at [email protected]