Golf Carts for Socialism
Last night as we were departing San Pedro for our guest house here in Belize, a gentleman asked us if he could clean up our golf cart for 5.00BZ. $2.50. We politely declined as we were headed home and had food in our hands. I'd bet most Central American countries average 40% unemployment, and with tourism returning in fits and starts, maybe it's higher. There is very little social welfare because the GDP of Belize, at $4200 (in the US it's $65K per) per person, doesn't allow for it. May I make a modest proposal for our federal and state governments dealing with rioters? Suppose anyone arrested for looting or rioting would be sent to Central America on a sort of lend/lease program for three months. They would work gratis for the local government fixing potholes, picking up trash, installing street signs, etc. Before returning to the US they'd have to write a two thousand word essay, grammatically correct, on why they threw that rock or Molotov cocktail, assaulted a police officer or damaged private property. Then explain how their Central American experience has altered their outlook.
I despise the term "third world" as it casts dispersion on a region and overlooks the attractions and beauty of countries such as Belize. However, our country has successfully managed the details of life's minutiae, from traffic lights to fire hydrants to self checkout to emergency rooms. And I understand why one would refer to the US as first world. However, things we take for granted are often the far away dreams of civic leaders in other smaller countries. And yet so many Americans are so disgusted with our system they'd willingly destroy something they don't own. Why? I'd bet a hundred dollars BZ it's because they've got nothing to compare it to. They've never had to clean a golf cart to put food on the table.