Goldilocks and the Three Boards
As fairy tales go, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears” is fairly benign. Goldilocks is not eaten by a wolf. She isn’t fed poisoned apples. The worst thing that happens to Goldilocks is that she wanders into a house where she doesn’t belong. She escapes without injury. And she apparently avoids charges of criminal trespass, despite the unauthorized taking of porridge and a bit of vandalism to the furniture.
Let’s imagine that instead of sneaking into the home of the Bear Family, Goldilocks barges into an office complex housing multiple nonprofits, planning to assume the role of CEO. As she dips in and out of the various offices, Goldi discovers that not all nonprofit governing boards are the same in how they relate to the CEO. Indeed, some boards are too hard; some boards are too soft; and some boards are just right.
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