Goldfish with a Shark Fin
Does your business just blend in with the crowd?
How would you like your business to be the first one people remember?
You provide an excellent service at a highest professional level.... and so does your competition. Imagine, a prospect visits your office. They wait in the reception area and see an impressive artwork. Even if the piece is not their cup of tea, subconsciously they think that your business must do well if you can afford an original artwork. Then you greet your prospect and take them to the meeting room. And you have another artwork on the wall, another original one. Instantly you have a talking point. We must be able to talk about something other than the weather, right? What does the artwork say about you as a managing director of the business? What does the artwork say about the business itself? Thoroughly thought through artwork will make you memorable. It shows your prospects that your business is doing so well that you can afford to have artwork on the walls. It will make you seem bigger than you are.
Impressive artworks can be very affordable to rent or purchase. On 30th April, I will be talking about various ways to make your business memorable as part of the Black Country Business Festival. I will be also showcasing best examples of art to purchase, rent or subscribe to. If you are looking to keep your office space fresh and vibrant, then the subscription is the best option as I will come and change artworks every three or six months.
A Goldfish with Shark Fin, Monday, 30th April, 10am - 12noon
THE OLD BANK BUSINESS CENTRE, 43 - 45 Church Street, Darlaston WS10 8DU