In Golden Years Feel Young Be Young
Pavan Datta
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
Golden Era starts when one enters in the fifth decade of Life. It is the most precious prettiest time to feel young and be young. It is the time when one completes his life journey of 18262 days. On completion of 50 years one complete 365x50 plus 12 days (Average) of leap years that is equal to 18262 days. Numerical total of which is 1+8+2+6+2 i.e. 19 which is equal to 1+9=10=1(One)
It can be also said mathematically one start his new journey from number one in this decade of life. In the Age cycle, first decade goes in enjoying the childhood then comes schooling and higher education in second decade and mid of third decade. Life is still enjoyable carrying on with educative stress simultaneously . Then comes making of career and getting married in third decade of life. It is mostly in building up of own career, children schooling, settling family etc.
The mid age of forties except being naughty, is more stressful with higher education of children, making house, stabilizing career and planning retirement funds etc. In achieving these milestones people generally forget to enjoy their own lives and getting more involved in to day to day stresses.
I am of the opinion that the life in fifties should be well designed in such a balanced way that it becomes enjoyable for self and making other's life happier too. There are two ways of describing life in fifties one is the regular NMA (Negative Mental Attitude) and the other is PMA (Positive Mental Attitude).
Following NMA ways is feeling burden of children marriage, settling the children, fear of retirement and bothering too much for grand children. These type of persons carry on the life as a burden and pretend to be a caring parents. Whereas they not only make waste of their own beautiful life and make life miserable for their defendants too. These persons showoff as caring parents but rather they are fearful and ego boosting parents.
One of recent example I heard from one of my friend is there is a man in India, who is in his nineties. He is said to have established a business empire on his own and still loves to model himself in his company products. He does not even believe his own only son, who must be in sixties (Age of retirement) and has not given any powers to his son and liberty to run business. By this way the respectable elder person may be satisfying his personal ego but he himself may not have lived the life, which he should have.
May be his retiring age son is waiting for his father's journey to final destination. No one is immortal, one day he has to leave this world and so called his business empire too. After that, his empire has to come to his son only. At that time may be his inexperienced son may not be able to take the load. On the other hand if his son would have been given control in early years he may had taken the business empire to new heights. Respected old man may have used his skills for social services and serving the real purpose of his gifted human life.
The point is that no body can change the fact that everyone has got only one life. One should live this life in balanced way and leave this Mother Earth gracefully by leaving some good examples for others to follow. For that, this period of fifties is too crucial. It is the time when one has gained experience on his own, helped nature GOD's growth cycle in bringing new generation in society, fulfilled major responsibilities, has got time to think for his own life, has time to fulfill social duties, has good time to set standards, has time to rectify his own mistakes etc. etc.
Simple steps of feeling young and to be young in this era are:
Be Naughty and Enjoy Sex
Remember sex is not a taboo at all. Sex is a physical function of the body under control of conscious and sub conscious mind. The physical sex organs are the creation and gift of GOD, like all his other creations. One of GOD's best gift to mankind is power to procreate humans.Sex is a mean of procreation. It becomes duty of humans to procreate new human beings i.e our children. After fulfilling our duty sex has meaning of Pleasure & to be healthy.
One can transmute Sex in to Virtue or Vice, which is mental attitude. It may be broadly said that having sex pleasure by married couples is a virtue for good health. Doing sex by misusing power & wealth with unwilling humans is a Vice.
It is said that more than 90% of mind of Men are filled with Sex and Women mind is filled with lot of works and fraction of percentage with sex thoughts. Whereas sex is the act which becomes pleasurable with active involvement of both partners.
After marriage men have to devote more time in career and women have to devote time for parents in law, children, family, career etc. etc. Men feel that regular sex releases day stresses on the other hand women feel too much tired and sex becomes low priority area for them.
So sex becomes pleasurable but with some riders. Biggest rider is the Fear of women becoming undesired pregnant again & again.
When one enter fifties, men are generally less stressed. Women have either entered into Menopause stage or attained Menopause. First of all during period of Menopause there are mood swings and other behavioral changes in women. It becomes the prime duty of Husbands to be very loving, polite and patient with their wives. This helps a lot in passing on this period easily by ladies. In bolder terms, it can be said that being patient in this period is longterm investment for the couple.
Rik Mayall said "Other people get moody in their forties and fifties - men get the male menopause. I missed the whole thing. I was just really happy"
After Menopause the fear of pregnancy flies away. Couples especially women enjoy more free sex. Start enjoying this phase, be Naughty, increase pillow talks & time of foreplay. You would start feeling afresh into your new innings of family life. This surely would help you in your next aging of sixth and seventh decades.
Start dating you spouse on regular basis. Go for unplanned lunches, dinners, cocktails and traveling. This would boost your energy and love with your spouse. You would love these datings better than your pre marriage datings.
Be Healthy
Plan your health chart well with your experience based on your healthy earlier track records. In early years people may have ignored own health for the sake of work and health may have taken back seat in priorities. In fifties one can make a self regime of being healthy in natural way, which can be adopted by human body well but if one wishes to change in sixties, body may not align with new changes.
Start some healthy open air walk, if not doing earlier. Mind it you don't have to compete with anyone but complete with yourself. So speed and duration is not important. Continuity is important. Go for it whenever you get time from your schedule. In winter avoid going for a walk in early morning.
Add Yoga in your routine. For new entrants simple yoga asanas with breathing exercise of Pranayama is the best way to start. It would increase your immunity system and would help you in later part of life. Step by step different Asanas should be added. One may learn exact steps of yoga from TV, books and qualified teachers. Competition is with self not with the world, so slowly slowly increase number of Asanas and duration of performing Asanas.
People doing physical body exercise and regular in gyms are already taking care of their body but adding on little yoga would be best. New entrants should avoid gym and stiff physical body exercises.
Do sit for minimum 20 minutes in direct Sunlight daily. It gives required vitamin D to the body. Exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. This is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.
It is said, Energy transmitted by Lord Sun to Mother Earth in one hour is sufficient for one year of energy requirements for the whole planet. You can evaluate yourself how powerful energy of Sun is.
Do Prayers and Meditation
Doing prayers is not a LS attitude. Rather it is best way of soothing your body & Soul, increasing your self confidence and thanking Almighty for blessing you with human body. It is not must that prayers and meditation can only be done in Himalayas or isolated places by leaving your family back home. Prayers are basically a mindset, it can be done being a family person any where any time. Doing it in religious places give you the atmospheric vibration and the community. Doing it at home purifies your home too. Thanking Almighty GOD can be done any time anywhere whenever you are free.
It is said the best time of doing prayers and meditations is from 2 AM to 7 AM and peak time is from 4 AM to 6 AM. This time slot is called 'Prabhat Vela' It is believed that it is the time when it is easy to interact with yourself i.e GOD in you. Practically also in this time period there is no noise pollution, no one to disturb you and your thoughts. Medically also it is advisable as it is said that most of heart attack happens between 4 AM to 6 AM, when people are asleep. So if you are awake, you have better chance of survival. Again if one loves sleeping in these hours he should practice Meditation and Prayers as per his own schedule.
Scientifically also doing prayers or meditation in this time block is best. As it is said that during this time of Prabhat Vela, Dopamine is produced in several areas of the brain, including the substantia nigra and the ventral tegmental area. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. It is a chemical messenger that helps in the transmission of signals in the brain and other vital areas.
It is a neurohormone that is released by the hypothalamus. Its action is as a hormone that is an inhibitor or prolactin release from the anterior lobe of the pituitary. By waking up in this time slot and doing meditation release of dopamine is used in optimum way.
In short doing prayer and meditation between 4am to 6am is the quality time. Doing this for half an hour daily gives full day positive energy required by whole body.
Balance Your Diet
This is the age group when you still have capability to change eating habits, if required. Otherwise in late years most of people's favorite dishes are forbidden by doctors. So it is better to start making your diet and eating habits in a balanced way. There is a good say in Punjabi " ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ???? ????" Means when we had Teeth we did not have enough to eat and now we have enough to eat but teeth are gone. One may generally see that during age of sixties people are mostly advised by doctors to avoid most of the delicious eating items.
Eat your breakfast like a King. Eat full stomach whatever you like. Eating food of your taste makes saliva for easy digestion. Do add nuts, fruits and fresh juice in your breakfast.
Eat your lunch like a Prince. Eat whatever you love but not full stomach. Add butter milk in your menu. Do have small nap after your lunch.
Eat snacks in evening like a poor man. Have little healthy snacks, prefer not to have fried ones.
Eat dinner like a beggar. Try to eat light meal as early as possible in the night. Give at least three hours gap in dinner and sleeping. Do stroll for 1000 steps at least before going to bed. Try to have warm milk in winter and cold milk mixed with water in summer while going to bed.
Start Using Reserves
Mostly people have a general habit of keeping reserves of cash as well as clothes, wine, perfumes, scotches etc. Tendency is that we would wear those clothes on special occasion or would use particular rare collection of perfume on some special occasion or would drink rare collection of scotch or wine with some special guest or on some extra ordinary victory of achieving some thing.
Start using those reserves, everyday and every moment is special for you. Don't leave this world by leaving your small wishes unfulfilled of drinking some rare collection, using some perfume or wearing a costly dress etc. This is the time to consume and enjoy the moments and living with cherishing those items and aiming for more better collections of these goods.
Start using your cash reserves also in a planned manner. If you have plenty of wealth better start using it otherwise in your older days, you may not enjoy the money and wealth with lot of riders likes of health issues etc. If you have desires to burn (Spend) your money in extra ordinary location on a very costly location, burn it. This is your money, if you can afford it, do it.
Even if you don't have plenty of loads of money, even than start using and enjoying your money in a planned way. Do remember basic principals:
a. The best human on mother Earth is the one , who leaves this Earth with nil balance in hand that means no Credit & no Debit Balances in his accounts.
b. ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?? ????? There is no need to leave money and wealth for next generation. If our children are the spoilt brats then leaving money for them will spoil them further in down grading their moral character & they will destroy your wealth in ill acts. If they are the honest and obedient then also there is no need to leave much of wealth for them as with their honest character & hard work, they would build own fortunes themselves.
First and foremost would be to invest in giving the best of education and building moral characters of your children. The best course would be to plan distribution of your wealth in such a balance that you leave enough for your next generation to start & build own careers and donate balance of wealth in some charities, philanthropy work etc. The nice example set by Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Azim Premji etc. should be followed.
Doing all these would keep you calm and contended in your older days and taking your final journey in Peace.
Regular Meeting Old Friends
Reconnect with close school mates or old friends, if not connected. Try to increase your communication and meetings with them. You may easily find your old pals through social network. Create some Whatsapp group of those friends. Meeting, chatting and partying old friends is the best stress buster. In this company one opens his/her heart without any constrains and motives in mind. Make some commitments of meeting on regular monthly dinners or night outs.
It is better to join school, college and universities Alumnus. Regular meeting with old friends and families would keep you active and increasing your social networking. Which you may had missed while building family and career.
Starting doing this in fifties would make your coming life more easy and comfortable. Meeting with old friends bring back clear memories of childhood, which was self less and naughty. Remembering old child hood pranks and talks keep you positively energized and would help in keeping away from old age diseases like Alzheimer etc.
Join some groups of your interest like social or religious group etc.
"There is a fountain of youth. It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age"....................said by Sophia Loren
Balance Yourself in Game of Gaining Some & Loosing Some
Generally Fifties is the bracket when you see lot of celebrations like children getting graduated, silver jubilee marriage anniversary of self, marriage of children, family marriages, getting grand children etc. etc. This bracket of fifties has a lot of reasons for celebrations.
This is the age when one get best of era to give time, more respect, love and care to his parents. Never loose any chance to be with them. This would give peace to parents Holy Souls in Heaven, after leave this mother earth.
Biggest irony is that: Fifties is the bracket when one has to loose respected parents, who are our GOD and Creator & other elders who are our near and dears.
But this is a cycle of life. You have to loose some beloveds like parents, uncle, aunts and on the other hand GOD rewards you with celebrations of children marriage, grand children & other celebrations in same decade.
Your love and respect for your parents, would teach your children and grand children to be morally high and better human beings. Enjoy every moment with your parents till they are with you and keep on paying thanks to them after they leave this earthy world. You would get blessings from them from Heaven too. This would teach your children to respect parents. So by default you would also get love and respect from children in your old days.
GOD has created this game of loosing some and gaining some members in family. Balance yourself in this game of loosing and gaining designed by GOD.
Enjoy upbringing of your grand children, who are GOD's gift to you. Love them, pamper them but never become official baby sitters. Becoming designated baby sitters would make your children careless and they may start using this as an emotional tool to avoid their responsibility.
Find excuses to celebrate every small and big opportunities among family and close friends . Celebrating Silver jubilee anniversaries, birthdays are the regular ways. Put a new flavor into game of celebrations. For example celebrate completing 10000 days of marriage union, 11000 days of child birth, completing 20000 of your and spouse lives, 21000 days of parents anniversary, 30000 days of parents birth etc.etc. Believe me you and your family would love this new flavors of celebrations.
Win From Fear of Death
Entering in to decade of fifties, one has already experienced and seen number of deaths of near and dears. People treat 'Death as a Fear Factor' believing in a myth that death has come to neighbor and he is an exception, who is still alive. None here is immortal, all have an expiry date and one day Soul has to leave this designated body.
It is believed Souls never die and they are immortal but human body is mortal. What people has started loving the physical bodies of loved ones whereas the fact is bodies would leave them sooner or later. One day they themselves has to leave this human body. Instead of loving and respecting bodies one should do it with their Souls. It is right, Souls are not visible, to take it in a simpler example we may take the thoughts & teaching of persons as the Souls. Even if our grand parents and parents may not be alive but their thoughts, preachings, blessings and teachings are always alive with us.
If one develops this positive thought that his parent's bodies are not with him but he still senses them in his thoughts. He would easily understand that death is nothing to be feared of. It is the goal, which the Soul in our designated body has to achieve. We should embrace the death happily at its arrival. We should keep positive thinking alive that our Souls would be still in this world in some new designated body.
By winning over fear from death, one would feel everyday is a GOD's gift to him. One would feel delighted and live till his final journey is completed.
Never Cheat Anyone
One should never cheat anyone for the sake of pleasing this human body and to please his near & dears. By this he would live a lengthy and faked happy life. Living lengthy life is not so important, it may become burden on self and dependents. It is better if one lives, may be shorter life but happy life being loved by everyone while living, as well as being loved after death.
This would make one Sleep without any guilt. Mostly deaths due to heart attack occurs between 3am to 6.30am in deep sleep. When one cheats other human fellow by his cunning ness, he feels no one has seen him and he is safe and not caught by any laws Or he may have bribed law and order. In day's life he feels he have won by tilting law and system, thinking himself to be super clever.
But when one is in deep sleep, his body is resting but his subconscious mind is fully active. Active mind makes one to translate his actions performed in to dreams. So if one has cheated anyone for ill motives, his mind would give him guilt in that deep sleep, which results into fear of facing punishment due to his ill acts. Getting dreams of facing punishment for his acts, he gets impulsive in deep sleep. Which may result in to heart attacks. This may be one of the major reason that most of heart attacks happen in deep sleep.
Believe in a simple thought breaking anyone's heart by deceiving & cheating is a crime in the eyes of GOD.
Start Retiring In Mid Fifties
Retiring from business and job is not a one day job. It should be done in systematic planned way. People in family business should start delegating powers to the next generation and start decreasing self working hours step by step. People in corporate world should target age of self retiring and accordingly start decreasing work load. People in government job should start utilizing their pending unpaid leaves and planning of investing retirement funds.
Roam Around the World, Whenever Feasible
Try to find time for small and long vacations with spouse, whenever possible or feasible. This would reenergize you as well as your spouse. This would give you time to remember and cherish your old memories. Which in turn would make you more romantic and young.
Try to Go for new undiscovered places and cruises. For short vacations repeat some of old places where you and family enjoyed together.
If you are religious persons, try to go for at least one religious trip in a year.
Go to your's and yours spouse birthplace, it would make you both naughty children.
Tease Your Brain
Make it a habit to play brain games daily. It may be cross words, Sudoko, Kakuro or any other game which you like. This would help you to keep your brain active. If you love clubs, do play Rummy or Bridge or Marriage, this would help you in socializing and keeping brain active too.
Reading And Writing
Benjamin Franklin said, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing"
One will be benefitted weather one Reads or Writes. One should not just read books but should climb in the reading and live there in the book. Reading/Writing help to feel more confident. It develops one's personality.It provides food for thought. It makes you laugh and think. It draw you towards perfection.
As people get older, they will start to understand more and more that in life, it’s not about what the looks like or what they owns, it’s about the person they have become. By penning down your life experience would make you delighted and would give the next generation to learn from your experience.
Oscar Hijuelos said, "People in their forties, fifties, and onward enjoy the whole world of books in a different way than the Internet-age kids do"
Do Harm Less Flirting
It is said one becomes naughty at forty. Logically when one enters into the age of fifties, he is still having the hangover of naughtiness of forties. Being naughty is not at all dangerous, if it is being done with own spouse. But it is human nature to see and praise other's beauty too. It is also a well known fact that Flirting makes one's brain active and innovative. So it is advisable and safe to do flirting with others, which is harmless and without any ill motives.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "As we grow old ….. The beauty steals inwards"
Carry on regular flirting with your spouse too.
Feel Young Be Young
In Fifties and afterwards never let age define you, let yourself to be master of your age.
Laugh like you are 10
Party like you are 20
Travel like you are 20
Be Naughty like you are 30
Think like you are 40
Advise like you are 50
Care like you are 60
Love like you are 70
Enjoy everyday of life like you are 80
In summary: In Golden Era one should balance oneself in doing all above said acts, keep Brain Active, keep Body Moving in Physical and Pleasure Acts, Control & Stabilize all your Thoughts in Positive direction.
Happy Reading and Enjoy the Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
? Pavan Datta
This is a work of providing general information. While trying everything to ensure accuracy, this information is purely based on personal opinion and experiences. One may use this information as per his own wish. The Author is not responsible for any damage or loss resulting from the use of the information presented in this post.
Grateful :
My Parents ( My GOD & GODDESS )
Friends & Associates
Photo Courtesy
Best Regards
Pavan Datta
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
1 年Hi Deepika Aggarwal #HappyWeekened?Breaking News!!!! Famous Hollywood director Bob Cruise is found with a bullet wound in his head, he has been rushed to hospital. It is still not confirmed whether he is alive or dead. I had written this story keeping film screenplay in mind, with two ending options. First ending with Hollywood style & Second ending with Bollywood style. Enjoy the story & suggest your option of ‘ending story’
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
1 年Hi Vikas Rai, President, DCDRC, Gwalior #breakingnews !!!! Famous Hollywood director Bob Cruise is found with a bullet wound in his head, he has been rushed to hospital. It is still not confirmed whether he is alive or dead. I had written this story keeping film screenplay in mind, with two ending options. First ending with Hollywood style & Second ending with Bollywood style. Enjoy the story & suggest your option of ‘ending story’
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
1 年Hi Satendra Dubey #HappySunday Breaking News!!!! Famous Hollywood director Bob Cruise is found with a bullet wound in his head, he has been rushed to hospital. It is still not confirmed whether he is alive or dead. I had written this story keeping film screenplay in mind, with two ending options. First ending with Hollywood style & Second ending with Bollywood style. Enjoy the story & suggest your option of ‘ending story’
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
4 年Hi Sudhir Suvarna Check out my latest article: Covid19: Life Must Go On?
Author & Advisor at An Avid Reader,Honest Writer. Reads for Learning to Live,Writes for Creating Awareness
4 年Hi Pravesh Agarwal Hope you are doing well . Read My story “Sex! Love, Lust, or Necessity?” at: