A Golden Sphere Around Us
chris williams
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Today God had me study Psalm 1 AKA Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly. I looked at a few articles on it and commentaries. One focused on the word ashre. Another commentary said:
"Blessed (ashre) is like a golden sphere around us into which are poured all of God’s infinite grace, gifts and goodness. This is the atmosphere of Christ-followers. It’s the climate of our souls. It means enviable, in a great place, fortunate, happy, to be congratulated." (QUOTE TAKEN FROM: https://www.robertjmorgan.com/devotional/thriving-a-study-of-psalm-1/)
Today the way back from bible study I noticed how behind me was a cloud front. Beside me on both sides was a cloud front but in the area I was we had a sunny warm day all day. Now that evening is coming the clouds are rolling in and we will probably have rain but it was as if God was pointing out to me in nature a metaphor for the golden sphere of his grace, gifts and goodness in our lives.
It does not mean we will not have storms but he will be with us through the storms and push some of those clouds and darkness out so we are not overwhelmed by it. Think of Mark 4:35-41 where the storm was all around them and Jesus was with them. When the storm got too much for them and they reached out and told him, Jesus pushed the storm back and calmed the waves. I think sometimes in our storms we forget that we can pray for help, protection, guidance through the storms of life and he will answer, he will keep us held close to him, protect us.
In the past 4 years, he has been doing that for me over and over. Often I didn't pray or call out to him but he still kept me safe and provided through various people often at the last minute when I really was desperate for it. For that I am grateful.
If you do not have a relationship with Jesus and wish to know more. Here are a couple things you can look at:
If you have questions or wish to start the journey together with someone or have said the prayer and need help on what's next, feel free to reach out to me through LinkedIn or via the emails or contact form available on Contact Us.