Golden Scroll
Photo Credit: Copyright Free

Golden Scroll

"This message that is being presented as a Golden scroll with Golden writing from a quill of a Phoenix. The Phoenix though was considered a mythical beast but the meaning of the Phoenix is that from the ashes you will be reborn into something grander, something new, something better than what you were before and that fire and that ash that consumes you is the ignorance that is leaving your consciousness, is the ignorance that is leaving your society, is the ignorance that is leaving your mortal soul behind so that you can experience Life, anew, so that you can experience Love, anew, so that you can experience all that God has before you. It should not matter the class. It should not matter the statue. It should not matter the race. It should not matter the gender. It should not matter the job that you do. God has presented EVERYTHING on this planet for you to enjoy, not to abuse, not to covet, not to say that it is only yours and that only you can make a profit from it. This is not how God works. This is not how this planet was designed. This is not how the consciousness of man is, for it is always reaching for something higher and better, than it currently is. This is the aggression that some people feel; but, it is not to be as aggression, in the form of violence or cruelty or what you call bullying, in any level, for this aggression should be bringing you to desires to learn new things, desires to have better things, desires to always help and uplift your neighbor, the persons that you are close to, the persons that mean that much to you; AND, your neighbors. By uplifting them, in the context relating to all the above mentioned, you are fulfilling that part within you that seeks to be better, kinder and more intelligent. By striving to do these things and pushing yourself to be more compassionate when dealing with the above mentioned, people, then you are fulfilling your part of God’s plan. By not allowing the negative aggression to take hold within your consciousness, but embracing the positive aspect of aggression, such as, the drive to make the financial substance you need to survive and live on; and, also, enough extra so that you can do the things that you want to do without hurting or harming another. There is nothing wrong in becoming extremely wealthy. There is nothing wrong with using your finances to help promote something that you believe in, as long as that something does not hurt or harm another being. This is the challenge: for many of you have made your finances off the destruction of the Earth, the Water, the Air or the people. You have overconsumed and you have abused your privileges; therefore, God, has something built into the contract to which you came unto this world, contract so that you will understand this part of the equation and what we are saying, that is called Karma and in Karma, it is what is the Westerners call Cause and Effect and this Cause and Effect is taking place, at this moment. Those that have abused their power and have made their money by hurting or harming others are finding that their financial wealth is being taken from them during this time. They are finding fear and they are finding that they not know what to do to recover, at this time; and, this is going to last for at least another year, we see. During that time, many that were on top, will become on the bottom. Many will not survive living like what the majority of the people on this planet, live, like for they have not understood the value of human interaction or the human being. What they have understood is the value of the money that they can buy people with; but, when they can no longer buy people, those people leave for they are not true friends, as you call them. They are not true acquaintances. They are leaches; and, when the leach finds that the blood is gone, it detaches from the host and moves to another host.

Many of the leaches of this time will find that their pool of delicacies, so to speak, is also dried up: and, they in turn…will not survive. But, those people that understand the value of Truth, understand the value of Love, understand the value of those around them and their efforts in which they work, live, and move, on a daily basis, will begin to experience wealth, will begin to experience the luxuries because of their hard work and their dedication, not only to themselves but to others and, as they grow in consciousness, they use their wealth to help and create new and better ways of living within the environment to which you are gifted.

God’s plan for ALL of humanity is to live in harmony. God’s rules are finite; and, if you try to play outside of the rules, you will find that the Game of Life, no pun, intended, has a way of correcting the board and putting, you, back into place. This is the beginning of many situations that are about to occur in your planetary systems. The Locusts and the pestilence are beginning. The wars have begun. The Earth storms are on the horizon and earthquakes and volcanoes are happening acrossed the planet. How you adapt, how you understand that change is necessary, how you begin to process, all of these things that have been created at the hand of man, will determine your success, in the future. This is supposed to a Golden Age; but, sometimes for that Gold to be refined there needs to be some polishing done. Think of it that way. Which side do you want to be on? That which gets burnished off the Golden Ring or do you wish to be part of the shiny new gold that is being presented. Your consciousness needs to change. Your understanding on what is right and wrong, needs to be developed. You were taught Principles of Love, Principles of Balance, Principles of Intelligence, Principles of Science and Religion, living and working together. If you continued to disrespect those teachings, then you will be that which is burnished off of the gold.

I think that this is a good time to leave this story. I think this is a good time that I thank you for listening and hope that you have learned something from this and these writings.

Good day." - M.A.

? 2020 Conversations On The Path of Light? - 05/24/2020. All Rights Reserved.

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Photo Credit: copyright-free

Jennifer M. Irwin

Together, We Can Protect Our Resources.??. As a Health Guide & Strategist for humans & animals, I integrate Respectful Stewardship, Peaceful Actions, Sustainable Living Practices along w/ Clean Supply Chains??

1 年

Aloha?Conversations On The Path of Light?,???. After reading your message, I thought I would be able to share my thoughts, and I have found, after many read-throughs, that I remain deeply moved and need to take the time to think about what has been shared. ---- Your post and your page continue to Inspire me to do better. Thank you for being a beacon of light on Social Media.???


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