Golden Rules Of Communication

Golden Rules Of Communication

Something that is important regardless of the context in which it's placed is communication.

Whoever knows how to communicate the most effectively and effeciently has the leverage - Mr Henry Vargas

As human beings, are minds are wired to receive information a certain way. Which is in vivid color and detail with imagery and painting scenarios with our words, gestures and tonality. It's also known that, in our fallen state, man is incredibly egotistical and self-centerd. Oh but what a wonderful thing it is for him who knows how to speak.

What I mean by that is knowing that your audience, customers and employees are always, subconsciously asking "how does this benefit me?", makes it easy to communicate and get the result your looking for. Why? Because man fallen nature leads us to express our desires, pains and needs through complaining and moaning.

But the point I want to make is that if you listen to people, be it your employees, suppliers or clients, you'll know exactly what you need to talk about to get to the desired action.

Crossword Puzzles and Tik Tac Toe

You remember those games? Well people are kind of like that. You have to look through the noise of behavior to the root of the individual being. And communication is all about using the right words, placing them correctly and using the right tones.

Whenever you go to communicate with the people you're around, always remember the:

Golden Rules of Communication

I/You Ration

The I/You ration states that for everytime you use the word "I" in a communication, you have to use the word you at least three times. It's really simple, but powerful if you use it.

Benefits Vs Features

The difference between is feature and a benefit is the benefit is a result of the feature. So let's say for example you sell toilet paper that is softer but stronger than anything in the market. Well, those are features, this is what the benefits would look like.

"Our products softness allows you to wipe as much as necessary without causing irritation or chaffing. The strength of our toilet paper makes sure your hands stay feces-free as you clean your bum"

It's silly I know, borderline unclean even, but in the mind of the reader it's clear what the benefit is and even creates relatability through the last few words.

This is important not just in sales or marketing communications but in every interpersonal relationship. Lets say you want have someone on your team who is doing alright but you know that can do better and want them to grow in that potential. Here is what you coud say,

"Hi Gina so I see that you are doing pretty well but I believe you have more to offer and I'd like to help you grow into your potential. Let's talk a bit and let me know what makes you move and how we can facilitate that for you.

As you can see, the conversation is actually about them and you can see I've used the I/You ratio in that short phrase as well. After you talk and get the information from them, you now know how to talk to them to get the result you are looking for.

Speak with images and create mental movies

This one is really huge because as humans, our minds work primarily through imagination. Even those who are "non-visual" people think in pictures. Its the way we were designed. Before words, images is what was used to communicate. The most effective communicators still practice this.

A simple way to think of this is storytelling.

Storytelling is creating a sequence of images in someones mind through use of expressive and vivid descriptions of a desired result.

Another powerfu thing about storytelling is that while you have the conscious attention of the listener or reader, you are also exercising an influence on the subconscious of the individual as well. There are lots of books and training on storytelling on the internet.

I recommend you get some basic storytelling skills so you can see a big impact on your communication results.


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