NAMO AMITABHA ?????????????PEACE? ?南无阿弥陀佛L(¨`?.?′¨)O`?.?(¨`?.?′¨) Joy & V¨`?.?′¨)?.?′ Blessings E`?.?.?′?????????????GOLDEN AGE OF HUMANITY begins with everyone of us : create beautiful space for yourself . #HumanityFirst # #5D #Terra #GoldenAge Small gingko bonsai can grow into big tree if you care for it in special ways . My Gingko bonsai reached 4 m recently .
Lets be creative every day : work from your Heart , because you are the Master of your Universe .
? / \_NAMO AMITABHA ????????????? 南无阿弥陀佛
Bone?, Alenka Overview Works:
17 works in 17 publications in 2 languages and 55 library holdings
Roles: Editor, Translator, Director, Scenarist, Author of introduction, Other, Author Classifications:
BL65.P4, 291.17873
Bone?, Alenka [WorldCat Identities]
I am Managing Director at LWS International training , USA #EarthAlliance #spaceforce #GallacticFederation #HumanitarianProjects - Sovereign HUManitarian . Welcome to connect also on LinkedIn where I have 8043 followers : on LinkedIn I speak about #QFS #HumanityFirst #GoldenAge #Gesara and also have monthly NEWSletter . Friends on Facebook can see my Humanitarian Projects Album . I have more than 800 friends requests : I accept only those who are interested in my postings and Activities . But anyone can follow my facebook pages : Buddha Dharma - OBF International, Buddhas Blessings and Seventeen Tantras of Dzogchen Upadesha . Welcome also to our Wordpress #Wordpress blog : HERITAGE OF MANKIND with 249 entries . I am also founder of Facebook Group : @NobleAryaTaraSangha with more than 12.000 members worldwide . GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND MEDIA : SARWA MANGALAM
My proposed Community Assistance Center in Maribor city, Slovenia, European Union will serve the community with prosperity, creativity and peace .
Lest connect the dots : welcome to my humanitarian Team .