Golden Age Media



?Stronger together : let*s join our energies , motivations and activities to create GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND . Love Won Charlie Ward chuck johnson Dr.hc.Violeta Bulc

Minister Dino Puglia Roman Stegne Anze Stegne LU?KA FAJS Alison Sheehan-Shepherd

Adam Saez Byron Davis Crystal L. Dr. Wladimir Klitschko David Gomez Timothy E. Van Meter,PhD Luis E. S. Edgar Martinez Founding Father Georgy Sokolov Grega Rihtar Hamad Al Abdan Ivan Barberan Jure Leskovec Kenneth Edward Luis E. S. Lisa Tomassi

Matthieu Ricard Mazen Rahhal Nathanial Rabbitt Nina Honegger-Demuth Nikola Milinkovic, EdM, DiSC, TOPPS, UN-ASAT, USPTR Olly Jones Orrin Woodward Patrick de Sepibus Ross Osborne Sebastian Auger Stefan Vasic Tom Davenport Teja Bajde Smrkolj Tony Kettering umek Boris Ur?a Man?ek-Rakovec Ur?a ?or? Po?rl Ur?ka Je? Veit Lindau Vivek Yadav ?iga ?ebulj


are planned according to GESARA Law of the land

of Earth Alliance & Love Won Society International

Action Plan : overseer Mr. Ron Giles , USA

??? Stronger together : let*s join our energies , motivations and activities to create GOLDEN AGE OF MANKIND . Love Won


1.??? GOLDEN AGE : Make this planet healthy again!

??? Health is wealth! We encourage people to start their ?own organic gardening and organic farming. Our motto is : My food is grown, not born . Organic plant-based food without pesticides, growth hormones , poisonous stuff of all kinds in it and chemicals will move Mankind into Star Nations Golden Age .

Food forrest around every household : growing your own vegetables , medicinal herbs , being sorrounded by green vegetation and healthy trees? will make you grounded , connected to the Schumann resonance of mother Earth Gaia . You will be peaceful and healthier . It makes you spiritually and materially wealthy , because everyone in this global movement who supports MAKE THIS PLANET HEALTHY AGAIN? is Guardian of sacred Earth ?and will be rewarded via QFS.

?Parrents teach children organic gardening : it starts in the families . This is good antidote to smart phone addiction which is real pandemic in many generations nowdays . Local actions makes huge national and global impact , as General Mike Flynn is pointing out . Earth guardians are stepping stones into Golden Age of Mankind to create Heaven and Pure land on? Terra, our sacred? and beautiful planet ! This project is in complete harmony with Inner Earth civilisations and advanced and benevolent gallactic ?ET civilisations helping us …

?Make our environment green again : planting trees and greenery in cities? and in devastating areas? will bring more oxygen? which is now only 12 % ! Before 600 years it was 32 % and? their generations were much healthier … Singapore is good example of green architecture and awareness.

2.?GOLDEN AGE Community Assistance Center

will be crystal Light of people*s activities . Our CAC in Maribor city , NE of Slovenia will provide funding for many community beneficial programmes . It will serve as focal point to further develop 41 municipalities at ?the River Drava ?Statistical region ?which is underdeveloped compared to other parts of Slovenia EU. We will acquire magnificent building near the center of Maribor city , build by Generaly insurance company . Our CAC will carry out all projects designed by LWS International Action plan , employing at least eight directors for different areas of community assistance .

Planned Community Assistance Center in Maribor city NE Slovenia EU

Each director will be helped by two assistants : Director for agriculture will gradually help to develop Eco-cooperatives in each of 41 municipalities to grow organic food . Director for employment will help to raise employment in the region … Director for social services will financially educate socially endangered population and help them with Wealth management… Director for finances will guide companies who are beneficial for the planet and the community to join QFS . Grants will be given to projects which help community growth into Golden Age . There will be Affordable housing projects .

????? Director for Wellness and Holistic medicine will educate? community into healthy way of living , healing diets , he will also introduce communiyt to Golden Age Quantum Healing Center at health resort Roga?ka slatina .

???? Meditation with awareness of breathing , Three lights meditations , Vajra breating , Tai chi , yoga classes , Chi Kung meditation in movement will be held at the upper floor of the CAC . This healing frequencies will bring positive energies to the whole city and bigger areas around the city .

Dynamic solutions to advance , strengthen and promote our community : CAC Maribor

Creativity at the GOLDEN AGE Community Assistance Center will bring peace, health and Golden Age celebrations ??with workshops about personal Sovereignty and personal responsibility for ones thoughts, words and actions ; ?exhibitions will enlighten community about ?importance of pure drinking water , pure air , pure earth , pure rivers ,,, pure nature …Self-help groups will bring people together in looking for healthy solutions ,,, Jewelry making will connect parrents with children, neighbours? in creative works exhibited in the lower part of CAC ,,, Aroma therapy will enrich whole building into harmony and joy ,,, GOLDEN AGE celebrations of four seasons will enlighten our planet with Wisdom without borders performances and live streams to everyone .

Plant –based restaurant will be established behing the ?GOLDEN AGE Community Assistance ?Center with high – quality organic food from Eco-copperatives in Municipalities . There will be cooking classes as well . Plant-based nations and Communities THRIVE! Eco-cooperatives will apply ing. Anatoli Unitsky uTerra soil enrichment which is? developing magnificent areas at United Arab Emirates / Sharjah research center .

Director for Golden Age Arts will promote spiritual Artistic projects and Golden Age Media. We will have our own GOLDEN AGE MEDIA platform with performances? inspiring everyone .

???????? GOLDEN AGE CAC will help to establish more Walldorf and Montessori kindergartens and schools which will help GOLDEN AGE ?children to know who they are , to grow into Sovereignty and Personal responsibility .

????? GOLDEN AGE CAC will be arranged in accordance with Feng Shui assistance and green architecture as known in Singapore .


3. GOLDEN AGE Quantum Healing Center

will be established at the world famuous health resort with Mg reach mineral water at Roga?ka slatina . Quantum Healing ?Center? is planned at the 5* Hotel Alexander at the top of the hill . It already have excellent medical team and programmes with visitors from around the world .

1st phase will include : Quantum medical Technology of MedBeds


Donald Trump Med Beds and Space Age Medicines Are Coming


2nd phase : Cellestial Chambers of Jared Rand team in Colorado, USA

Broad-Range Replicators are also plalned by Jared Rand international team of scientists .

GOLDEN AGE Quantum Healing Center will provide free treatment for children affected with cancer , other chronic ill people and will guide them with special preparation programmes into healthy way of life . Quantum Healing Technologies work with Plasma energy and Tachyon particles? and their ?healing is fast, secure and very effective.

?? GOLDEN AGE Quantum Healing Center will organise yearly international conferences for holistic medical practitioners who will be educated about the use of Quantum Healing Technologies in order to? establish their own Quantum Healing ?Centers in their countries .



FESIG's Meeting with Jared Rand on Celestial Chamber Updates: "New Body, New Life!!" 29 Nov 21

Free Energy Special Interest Group

16.1K subscribers Subscribed

1.8K 52,907 views Dec 16, 2021

For the first time, Jared revealed the Celestial Chamber and The Replicator technical specs functions through FESIG (Proprietary Information – NOT for Distribution.) He explained how the AI Holographic 6D Scanning Array works. The Broad Range Replicator (BRR) is powered by the Power Cell Infinite Power Source. Never before had this been released anywhere else! Thank you Jared!

???????? Eco-modular settlement is planned on the plot behing the 5* Hotel Alexander where patients will enjoy days in tropical gardens , healing ?diets with medicinal herbs ?, yoga, Tai chi execrcises , grounding , healing sound of the waterfall … They will also enjoy drinking Mg rich mineral water Donat .

????? We are ?sure that our GOLDEN AGE Quantum Healing Center will enrich whole Roga?ka slatina health resort and the whole planet Terra .

4. GOLDEN AGE Innovative Transport Solutions ?

?Everyone of us ?has experiences with traffic jam , railways delays , airport noise and crowds … Its clear that our planet needs Innovative Transport Solutions . And there is great project which we support : AirShips by Solar Group . Powered by advanced solar energy solutions these Airships will be most comfortable to travell 100 km in a day up to 170 km/h . They look magnificent in the air , offering passangers to admire landscape beneath while enjoying comfortable travell...

AirShips will bring visitors from major cities to the Golden Age Quantum Helaing center at health resort Roga?ka slatina in Slovenia EU . They will also be used for recreational travells to show visitors beauty of our planet Terra .

??????? We also support projects based on 6000 pattents of genious inventor Nikola Tesla : anti-gravity transportation , Free enrgy for the planet Terra and other advanced projects by the Gallactic Federation of Worlds …



openbuddhistforum 3.82K subscribers

83 Share 11K views 14 years ago

5. GOLDEN AGE Preserving Sacred Sites of Buddhism accross the planet

We will help with cleaning , restoration , preservations and maintenance of selected sacred Buddhist sites …We will sponsor virtuos Buddhist practitioners on solitary retreats engaged in meditations and prayers …

Selected sacred Buddhist Texts will be translated into English with the help of qualified translators : Collected Works of Nyala Pema Dudul who accomplished the Body of Light at the age of 56 in East Tibet .

????? We teach everyone how to recognise their primordial Pure Essence through secret Sound and Light .?Blessings to All : Sarwa Mangalam


Prepared by :

Alenka Bone’ QFS Managing Director Training @LWS International USA

President of Buddha Dharma

generally beneficial? org.?registered at the Ministry for culture ,

Republic Slovenia, European Union

September 2, 2024

Welcome to connect on LinkedIn network , joining my 8223 contacts .

SovereignHumanitarian?si.linkedin.com/in/taratulkurinpoche1?Boné, Alenka [WorldCat Identities]

Alenka Bone

??QFS SOVEREIGN HUMANITARIAN @Quantum Financial System

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