This morning I had the pleasure of mentoring one of the Legends. We had an amazing conversation... I just wish I had recorded it.

Here are the key elements that came out of this mentoring session:

1- You are quite hard on yourself – Need to allow time off, set small and clearly defined goals and reward yourself when you reach them. Suggestion: Take 4 days off all your devices and away from any work, to recharge your batteries.

An entrepreneur's work is never finished... so must find ways to turn off your brain to recharge.

2- Congruent offer – Based on results for yourself or your clients, in the past or right now.

If you promise to help people achieve results you haven't had for yourself or your clients, you will be found out and that would be really awkward...

3- Retrospectively identifying your unique audience – Instead of trying to figure out who you are going to serve, put your offer out there, get paid, do that 100, 500, or a 1000 times and then analyse your client base (Are they purple Americans or green Australians?)

4- Allowing yourself to truly follow your passion – not necessarily your mentor’s passion and ways. What makes your heart sign… for a long time? (Start with WHY you do what you do… it will help you decide WHAT you want to do… and HOW you want to do it)

5- You are a Rockstar – You first hit can be a hit for a long time… use it as your lower end / lead magnet / entry to your funnel and big sequence tool... as an example, if you initially got clients for "Find Your Purpose" coaching and you are now a business coach, keep your "Find Your Purpose" offer going... Finding your purpose was your first step in your journey... chances are it will be the first step in your clients' journey too! 

6- You are not responsible for your clients' results. You are responsible to provide the service as per the agreement you have with your clients e.g. my 4 levels of service: 1- Online tutorials 2- Feedback on all homework 3- Facebook Mastermind group 4- LIVE mentoring weekly

7- Measure the right outcome from your product /service as a benchmark for success.

As an example:

- In $0 to $5k the big promise is starting to make money (from $0 to $5k) … we measure people’s success in this course by how much money they bank weekly.

- Another example… BAM. The big promise is that you will Build A Movement i.e. a movement is a large number of engaged members, so to gauge our clients’ success, we ask them to increase their members and achieve strong engagement. It is not a promise of BAM that you will make money from your movement... the promise is around numbers and engagement.

- Create a product… you will have created a product to leverage your time. It is then up to the client to market and sell the product.

8- Start gathering evidence of your success and your clients' success in the services / products you offer. When asking for testimonials ensure you ask 2 types of questions:

a) What results are you having - in line with the big promise e.g. money banked in $0 to $5k.

b) What was your biggest ahah! moment since you've started to work with me?

9- The “NAT BINETTE BUSINESS MODEL” (please ensure you attribute it to me if you use it):

Mindset + Skills + Activities + (Processes) = Outcomes

As a business coach or mentor, we are always addressing a challenge in one of those 5 areas.

That's it!

More than happy to mentor any of you Legends individually.

My rate is $350 per hour to be paid when you book our appointment :-)

Here's my link:


I hope you got heaps of value out of this Legend's mentoring session.

Big hug,

Nat Binette


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