Gold is a G-word but it sounds like a bell
Leonard Nimoy Slater
( Owner) EYS Language Consulting & The Lucky Mushroom UG (haftungsbeschr?nkt)
Today's newsletter is a departure from the Lucky Mushroom norm. I'm a little tired after having stayed up all night to watch the Super Bowl. Tonight I'm writing live! As most of my readers know; I only use AI to proofread. I'm part of a dying breed known as "people that like to write" but I digress. In the future, I will just do this as a weekly audio podcast. I also like to talk.
I'm tired and wired so buckle up. Let's delve into gold. It's that 7th letter word with one syllable that ends with a D. But it's not the other three-letter G-word that ends with a D; the one that people all over the world are praying to at the moment. But again I digress. But do I? Gold, God, and faith have more in common than you might think.
If you know anything about currency, you know that God has been a part of money since its inception.
America went off the so-called "Gold Standard" decades ago and there is enough literature on that so I won't go into details. Having said that, if you are just hearing about it I will try and nutshell it for you.
The dollar used to be a promise to the holder that if you took it to the bank it could be exchanged for gold. I believe the going rate when we went off of the so-called gold standard at the time was 35 dollars an ounce. This is the age of fact-checkers so check for yourselves, the crux is the matter is true. You could literally take it to the bank and get gold for your dollars. Then one day the Americans said, HOLDUP! Europeans keep bringing us massive amounts of dollars and asking for massive amounts of gold. We need to keep some of the gold. We are no longer going to call the dollar a promise of gold. As of now, it's like everybody else's money, you just have to have faith in it.
From that day on currency became detached from any worldly thing. It became Bitcoin in reverse. There is no such thing as a physical bitcoin; its value is derived from the fact that it is finite and can only be "mined" by using complex mathematical equations as tools.
What does this have to do with how gold "sounds like bells" you ask?
Gold! People will do unimaginable things for gold but gold doesn't do anything for people. It gives them nothing. Even the comfort derived from possessing it comes from within. It can not feed or comfort. But gold has become the promise now. The holder can exchange it for money. You can't eat, drink, or wear money either. But you can buy food, drink, and clothing with it.
The ABCs of Economics states our reality is governed by two animals; the bull and the bear. Both of those animals can wreak havoc or heal. They can destroy and create.
On the seventh day, they can buck and growl but they can not wreak havoc, neither create nor destroy anything. They are slaves to the bell.
The seventh day belongs to God, and when money is faith-based, God is important. Even atheists deaf to the tolling of the iron bells are paralyzed until the bell sounds. It starts in New York and travels around the world to ping on unmuted smartphones.
The second that happens, the owner begins to dream of gold. Gold sounds like a bell.