Gold-digging is Misunderstood, an Insult to Women
So when a group of guy friends sit around a table on a catch-up session, you're sure to hear two things in their exchanges, sports and women invariably lol the other stuff alternate,?it's optional. I had one of those this past weekend when the Boks smashed the Scotts over a few cold ones and the "gold-diggaz" in particular entered the fray.
I have mates still battling to get over a rejection by a girl at kindergarten, mates complaining?about a girl band?having "used them" for drinks at a pub in a random night out, a woman having "economically discriminated" against a fella, she divorced him because he went bankrupt etc it's a constant complaint that has in many cases resulted with unwarranted, negative attitude towards women, incidents of GBV and in a growing trend, cases of femicide with a handful that resulted with a case of suicide. It is a policy at Darkiepedia that if you're to undertake a study of sorts in humans, you should always be able to cross-reference your findings in the animal kingdom because we are animals,?that were?once on all-fours as a matter of fact. This, beyond reasonable doubt.
?A couple of examples;
The Education;
Females are mothers way before they bear litter of their own, it is their cosmic standing, they vibrate in that frequency. If you'd like to go deep into this mythology we even?know the children they'd bring to earth at birth (? occasionally?notice my ten year old daughter mother me around,?ever felt your wife is mothering you around??Female species are endowed with eggs in the tummy and that inherently entrusts them with a genetic duty to work around the issue of survival of the offspring, should the eggs be fertilized. The genetic duty means they are capacitated with hardware and software to facilitate this "favourable" environment,?so their genetic make-up becomes about healthier, protected etc offsprings. This to them becomes like breathing, like eating, it is behaviour innate in them, subliminal. This is an area of life they're unable to pretend, it is not an act. Ka Sepedi we describe a brave person by a phrase, "Aka bea Tau setswetji" meaning she can put a lioness through labour, there's no need to describe a lioness abrasiveness around it's cubs, there are no grey areas about it. An extreme case of it appears when in a miscalculated move the eggs are fertilized by a weakling, they'd identify a strong man bamo "tshwarise penale (penalty)" (seduced to bed) by luring him into the den for an evening, then a "apeswa baki" (pregnancy announced and labelled as his) It has always been about the potential offsprings, and never about uGuy nor about the female specie itself, believe it or not! Many of us are "penalty kicks" here but have grown up in stable homes, a SePedi proverb that captures this type of incident better says "kgomo kamo gobe e wetjwa ke namane ya yona" ( a cow will go into an abyss for it's calf without thinking twice). Women live in the future, in everything they do, hence their listening prowess as well,?to capture her heart you must promise her the future,?that is now you securing the eggs for fertilization. A girlfriend I had many moons ago said to me she left the previous guy "ngoba wayezo?ngimoshel'ithombe zomshado" (he was going to ruin her wedding photos)?. Everything they do has got to do with the future, so understand them in that light.
In corroboration?of this natural phenomenon, a man with a "Nanana Take me Home" in a dusty rural village is King and will have a few women circle around him, the guy with a Spaza Shop etc but there are leagues to it because if we open the ring just a lil, even the guy in a German sedan might not make it. If you wanna?borrow a leaf out of our Sunday tabloids for example, the story of one Edwin Sodi paints this phenomenon in HD. With the war chest he brought, he wrecked nests that many other birds would put up a fight to occupy, the kitty was so magnetic it lured cats with cubs out of dens that were beyond secure in the eyes of many. In the corollary of it as well, it is not a myth that when the female species enters a position where they can match the male specie's?provisions, or better, the respect and appreciation towards the male species fades gradually, other female species hide it better than others. Remember it has always been about the eggs, this means the eggs will proly be fine without you and if you're fair and honest with yourself, there's nothing against you personally in that, the eggs will be fine and that's it. Yes of course there are incidents where women took this behaviour a notch or two above but that is just confirmation that even though we are one specie, we vary based on our DNA composition, our individual formulation based on our Zodiac, environmental factors, life paths, totemism etc no one person is similar to the next, it's just what it is.
The male bird that could not get a partner because it's nest did not impress, does not carry arms and go around killing female birds and their?litters, it doesn't commit suicide, it instead just accepts the challenge to build a better nest. At a larger scale this is also for the survival?of the human race. At the core of it, what we are witnessing is a male species taking offence from a female species?basically?delivering on it's divinely ordained mandate. Share this education with a boy child, a guy friend, educate a brother, you might help avoid an otherwise unnecessary?heartache, it could help alleviate GBV for what's worth, it could save a life. Also very importantly, let us restore the traditional respect that is due towards women, they're the mothers of this nation, malibongwe igama lamaKhosikazi
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