Going Zero To One
I'm 29 today and I believe in doing birthdays differently.
Doing the usual things- party with friends, go clubbing etc no longer appeal.
To be honest, even when I was doing those things as a 22 y/o, I would have these out of body experiences standing in the middle of the club- "why the hell am I doing this"?
Creating was a big part of my life. As a kid- I wrote plays, got friends to act in them. Won awards. Now my school has a thriving theatre department.
Did the same in college.
Then I found entrepreneurship. Where you could create massive value from nothing. So fun!
....also stressful. But on the whole- really fun. Life's purpose and all that.
Then early last year, I felt compelled to start writing again. Sharing all my learnings on entrepreneurship and life.
And at least 50% of being an entrepreneur is sales. Which is why I wanted to write a brief guide on 0->1 Sales this year and release it for my birthday.
All filled with lessons I wish someone gave me when I was 22, and just starting out.
Entrepreneurship, sales- all of these are pathways to creativity for me. And really, distilled down to one single thing:
Self actualisation.
While there's loads of ways to improve oneself, I am a strong proponent of this pathway.
When going 0->1, you either improve every single day or you die. There's no middle ground. And believe me- there's been stints in my career where I have died.
Anyway- if this still sounds like a compelling reason to learn- I invite you to read my book (special code for the next 20 readers already applied)