Going for a Ride in the MRI...
Heather Moffitt
HR Technology Leader focused on improving human connectivity & experience through process & tech (Learning, Development, Recruitment)
This morning my almost 2 year old and I (who are historically late sleepers) started the day before 6 am and headed to the hospital for another non-sedated MRI. As a child diagnosed with Chiari Malformation this is becoming our routine. This is the second time we've taken a ride together inside the giant MRI machine with it's series of strange noises. I climb inside and hold his face still and we hope that nothing changes when the technicians read the scan. It's strange to be living with such a condition that can be asymptomatic for many aside from some developmental delays and balance issues, yet causes such a full range of symptoms, swallowing and breathing problems included, in others. Thanks to a great neuro team our little guy is getting used to all of this now and making great progress, even was calm for a bit today in the machine, but what a way to start the week!
The best part of the experience was the reassurance walking into the radiology room tucked away in the hospital basement, that we were using a GE MRI machine and that when I hit my desk later that morning, my sense of purpose would be clear knowing this is just one of the ways our company is present in people's everyday lives.
Next step... bring an Adventure Series machine to Albany! Who's with me?
#chiariwarriors #fightforawareness #geMRI