Going to the gym isn’t a punishment for what you ate or how much you sit

Going to the gym isn’t a punishment for what you ate or how much you sit

Fitness is a personal celebration you are alive and can still move.

Fitness isn’t something you only do at a gym.

Fitness for life means you either approach your body and mind with respect.

Or you disrespect the gift of your own life and health and then everything that defines a healthy human being …

Such as the ability to pick up a grandchild or to walk on the beach, is taken away from you.

Getting back in shape isn’t something you only do for an event.

Fitness is a personal choice where you decide to live your life at the highest level you can possibly achieve, because if you are fit and healthy, then anything in life seems possible.

What would you give for an extra 10 years of quality life?

If you are 30, this doesn’t seem relevant, but if you are in your 40s, way overweight and don’t move, you made a decision, and that decision was to end your life earlier than someone who does realize what you do today in fitness determines how you will live 20 years from now… if indeed you do live.

You, and only you, can determine the quality, and in many cases, the length of your life.

The mindset for fitness isn’t about being perfect or trying to recapture who you were, “back in the day,” but rather becoming the best you can be today.

The man you are meant to be.

It’s not about changing yourself either, it’s about becoming who you were put to be on this earth.

There is no perfect you, but there is a you within that can overflow with happiness, vibrant health and crazy energy, because you now understand you don’t do fitness, you are fitness.

It’s a shift in identity and will make all the difference whether you get in shape and regress, or stay in shape and progress.

Mindset is everything in the pursuit of personal health, but you have to enter the arena with the understanding fitness isn’t another hobby you only do when you have time or to relax.

Fitness is the essence of how you live 24 hours a day, how you think, and who you are.

You choose to be healthy - then you chose life.

You choose to ignore your fitness, and you made a choice.

And you will pay for that choice someday.

And then when you can’t get out of a chair without help, or play with a child, or hold the hand of the one you love on a walk through the woods, what would you pay then for just one hour of health and life?


