Going Green, Public Art
Join me for the opening of ‘Going Green’, a Public Art installation and Gallery Exhibition organized by SaveArtSpace, curated by Carlo McCormick. The art piece I am showing is part of ‘Mr Bones and Friends’, a series of characters made with found detritus and photographed interacting in the landscape of Governors Island. Mr Bones is currently on view on a billboard at 1066 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, NY (Shell gas station).
Other artists in ‘Going Green’ include Margeaux Walter, Alexis Duque, Jolie Martin, Kevin Bourgeois, Paul Cvikevich, Basia Goszczynska, The Primate, Noah Tavlin, Cibele Vieira.
Contra Galleries
122 W 26th Street 5th Fl., NY
April 20 to May 5, 2018
Opening Friday, April 20th 6-9pm